
Programs corresponding to the work "Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Computing Percolation Centrality"

Primary LanguageCuda


Programs corresponding to the work "Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Computing Percolation Centrality"

We present parallel algorithms that compute the source-based and source-destination variants of the percolation centrality values of nodes in a network. Our algorithms extend the algorithm of Brandes, introduce optimizations aimed at exploiting the structural properties of graphs, and extend the algorithmic techniques introduced by Sariyuce et al. in the context of centrality computation.

This repo contains the implementations for both the versions of percolation centrality on CPU and GPU respectively.


  • python 3.7+
  • CUDA Version 11.3
  • g++ version 7.3.0 compiler
  • OpenMP version 4.5


The helper script run.py can be used to execute the programs on a Linux Environment.

usage: run.py [-h] [-a ALGO] [-d DATASET] [-o OUTFILE] [-t THREADS] [-g] [-r]

Find source-based/source-destination-based percolation centrality

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ALGO, --algorithm ALGO
                        pcso - source-based percolation centrality, pcsd -
                        source-destination-based percolation centrality
                        pcsobcc - source-based percolation centrality with bcc
                        decomposition pcsdbcc - source-destination-based
                        percolation centrality with bcc decomposition
  -d DATASET, --dataset DATASET
                        The dataset to run on. Dataset must be present in
                        ./datasets subdirectory. Look at existing datasets for
                        the input format
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        Output file name
  -t THREADS, --cputhreads THREADS
                        Number of OpenMP threads (max 48)
  -g, --gpu             Run experiment of GPU (default: multicore CPU)
  -r, --recompile       Recompile executables

For example, to run the source only version on the dataset PGPgiantcompo.in on CPU,

python run.py --algorithm pcso --dataset PGPgiantcompo.in

To run the source destination version with BCC decomposition on the dataset PGPgiantcompo.in on GPU and store the output in my_outfile.txt,

python run.py --algorithm pcsdbcc --dataset PGPgiantcompo.in --gpu -o my_outfile.txt