Simple getUserMedia cross-browser wrappers. Part of the suite, which is sponsored by NICTA and released under an Apache 2.0 license.
Capturing media on your machine is as simple as:
While this will in fact start the user media capture process, it won't do anything with it. Lets take a look at a more realistic example:
// require the media capture helper from
var media = require('rtc-media');
// capture video and render it to the document body
In the code above, we are creating a new instance of our userMedia wrapper
using the media()
call and then telling it to render to the
once video starts streaming. We can further expand the
code out to the following to aid our understanding of what is going on:
var Media = require('rtc-media');
var userMedia = new Media({ start: true });
The code above is written in a more traditional JS style, but feel free to use the first style as it's quite safe (thanks to some checks in the code).
Once a media object has been created, it will provide a number of events through the standard node EventEmitter API.
The capture
event is triggered once the requested media stream has
been captured by the browser.
var media = require('rtc-media');
var localMedia = require('rtc-media')();
localMedia.once('capture', function(stream) {
// stream references underlying media stream that was captured
console.log('capture complete');
The render
event is triggered once the stream has been rendered
to the any supplied (or created) video elements.
While it might seem a little confusing that when the render
fires that it returns an array of elements rather than a single element
(which is what is provided when calling the render
This occurs because it is completely valid to render a single captured
media stream to multiple media elements on a page. The render
is reporting once the render operation has completed for all targets that
have been registered with the capture stream.
Capture media using the underlying getUserMedia API.
The function accepts a single argument which can be either be:
- a. An options object (see below), or;
- b. An existing MediaStream that the media object will bind to and provide you some DOM helpers for.
The function supports the following options:
- Whether capture should be initiated automatically. Defaults to true, but toggled to false automatically if an existing stream is provided. -
- Whether the video element created for this stream should be muted. Default is true but is set to false when an existing stream is passed. -
- The constraint option allows you to specify particular media capture constraints which can allow you do do some pretty cool tricks. By default, the contraints used to request the media are fairly standard defaults:{ video: { mandatory: {}, optional: [] }, audio: true }
capture(constraints, callback)
Capture media. If constraints are provided, then they will override the default constraints that were used when the media object was created.
render(target, opts?, callback?)
Render the captured media to the specified target element. While previous versions of rtc-media accepted a selector string or an array of elements this has been dropped in favour of one single target element.
If the target element is a valid MediaElement then it will become the target of the captured media stream. If, however, it is a generic DOM element it will a new Media element will be created that using the target as it's parent.
A simple example of requesting default media capture and rendering to the document body is shown below:
// require the media capture helper from
var media = require('rtc-media');
// capture video and render it to the document body
You may optionally provide a callback to this function, which is will be triggered once each of the media elements has started playing the stream:
var media = require('rtc-media');
media().render(document.body, function(el) {
console.log('captured and playing to media element: ', el);
Stop the media stream
Chrome and Chromium can both be started with the following flag:
This uses a fake stream for the getUserMedia() call rather than attempting to capture the actual camera. This is useful when doing automated testing and also if you want to test connectivity between two browser instances and want to distinguish between the two local videos.
There are a number of internal methods that are used in the rtc-media
implementation. These are outlined below, but not expected to be of
general use.
The prepareElement function is used to prepare DOM elements that will receive the media streams once the stream have been successfully captured.
Bind a stream to previously prepared DOM elements.
Gracefully detach elements that are using the stream from the current stream.
This method is used to create an object url that can be attached to a video or audio element. Object urls are cached to ensure only one is created per stream.
Handle the success condition of a getUserMedia
Handle the failure condition of a getUserMedia
Copyright 2013 National ICT Australia Limited (NICTA)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.