
🎄❄🦀 Rustacean Christmas Spirit

Primary LanguageRust

Advent of Code 2019

Two years later, I join again. These are my solutions for the Advent of Code 2019 coding challenges. This year I decided to go with Rust since I have been nagged on and off by friends to finally get into it and I felt now might be a good time to delve a little deeper than on a surface level!


Since I hadn't done anything with Rust and I didn't really know of any toolchain or setup to use, I went with a fresh rustup installation. I'm adding my steps here as I don't often use Rust so it's easier to document my workflow this way.

$ rustup toolchain install stable

In this case we're on the stable 2018 release.

From there, initialized a new cargo package for the entire repository as I want to reuse shared libraries instead of recompiling for each day of the challenge and having additional overhead on storage.

$ cargo new adventofcode19


With the cargo package configured, I opted for a friend's approach from a previous year by specifying files to build instead of housing everything under a single main. With the understanding that single days normally share their inputs, days are split into their separate directories and have A and B variations. The input data files were normally named input.txt.

Each program reads the first argument as the input file location.

To build a specific day or variation, simply run the corresponding command.

$ cargo run --bin 1a ./res/1/input.txt

Alternatively you can build all by omitting the specific day.

$ cargo build


There's no license. This is just for fun and learning so take from it what you want as you please. Keep in mind this was done as a learning exercise for Rust. In that sense the solutions may and quite probably are not optimal. Either way and once again, Merry Christmas!