
A simple Python Program that translate EN spelling into JP and reversed!

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

check update.md for info


A simple Python Program that translate EN spelling into JP the project comes with three different types of running it

  1. as a pkg aka module 2. Source code 3. The already built file which is jps .exe

1. as a pkg aka module (default)

  • you can download in the main branch


import jpspkg
print(jpspkg.hiragana("ko n ni chi wa"))

if you wanna use both


from jpspkg import hiragana
print(hiragana("ko n ni chi wa"))

if you want to use hiragana only

from jpspkg import katakana
print(katakana("ko n ni chi wa"))

if you want to use katakana only

2. using the reverse method to translate from jp 2 en


import reversepkg

if you wanna use both


from reversepkg import hiragana

if you want to use hiragana only

from reversepkg import katakana

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