
A mock diagnostic screener modeled from Blueprint's existing survey. Completed as part of a fullstack takehome challenge, the backend can be seen @ blueprint-be.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

👣 Diagnostic Screener Frontend 🔵



Table of Contents


The front-end portion of this take-home challenge was aimed at providing an user friendly tool to implement a patient survey used to provide valuable information to a patient's provider, and track their progress over time.


Linear Board Used for planning and organizing FE & BE tasks

Figma Design

In order to effectively design and implement an effective UI covering the guidelines, I relied on Figma to develop wireframes covering the basic user flow. Using Blueprint's current website to inspire the design, I gathered hex values and mimicked the rounded displays from the current UI.


  • On the landing page, a user is given a brief introduction to the survey which will cover the basic purpose and functionality. Upon clicking Get Started the user will be directed to the survey.
  • The survey will display a series of prompts, along with an assortment of 5 preset responses as gathered from the API. As the user makes the selection, the application will track and record responses.
  • As a user clicks through the survey, a progress bar will update with their current survey completion displayed. It will also tell them how many questions they have completed out of the total.
  • When a user completes the survey, they will be directed to a page informing them they have completed the survey. They then have the option to Return Home.
  • Error handling has been incorporated for both /get and /post requests to the API.
  • As part of the demo, when completing the survey, the results of the post request from the API will be returned and logged in the console. The API will return an assessment if any of the four categories (depression, mania, anxiety, substance abuse) receive a score greater than or equal to 2 (or 1 in the case of substance abuse).

Future Features

If given more time to work on the front-end of this application, my main focuses would be :


  • Something that I consider very important for this application is security and confidentiality. Because this information is sensitive and essential to be kept private between patient and provider, in the future the front-end would require a secure connection to the API that would not be tampered with. While I have limited knowledge on the subject, tools like HTTPS and SSL could be potential solutions.


  • Testing is essential to ensuring the application is behaving and displaying the expected user interface. If given more time on this application, I would have implemented testing in Cypress. Through this testing, I would have individually tested each of the 3 displayed screens to ensure the correct text, buttons and progress bar were visible. Additionally, I would have stubbed the endpoints from the API to ensure the data was returning as expected. I'm a firm believer in testing !


  • Accessibility should be considered at the forefront of our web-building, not as an after thought. AND, it's still something I'm passionately learning more about. While the application currently does have a lighthouse score of 100%, some things I would do in the future would include manually testing the site with voice over, and ensuring those with motor and/ or visual impairments could effectively use this tool. Lighthouse is a great accessibility tool but does not account for every use case. Aria labels are included in the progress bar as I felt that would be a special consideration for screen readers, but the entire app could use an accessibility comb-over.


Overall I had a fantastic time building out this UI. I had never developed a survey style application, and enjoyed the process of recording responses and moving the user throughout the prompts.


  • React
  • Next.js
  • Styled in Tailwind.css
  • Deployed through Vercel
