🤫 The game framework your mother warned you about.

Godot 4 Fast-Paced (Authoritative Server) Game + Network Framework for FPS and TPS Games

Its in process (extensions incoming)! In the end it should be a complete framework including an open-source shooter. Including models. Totaly written in c#. No gdscript, because its sucks hard for oop.

Check documentation here

🥰 Looking for new Contributors 🥰

  • 3D Animators
  • 3D Artists
  • Level Designer
  • C# Developers

Join our discord to support this open source shooter and framework: https://discord.gg/HW2Mr7Vcep

Next steps

  • Weapon System (in Process)
  • Player Animations
  • Training World Environment
  • Docker image for linux
  • Batch scripts for linux

Usage Keys

  • F1 -> Switch between TPS and FPS View
  • F5 -> Switch and enable the gui and input for the next client window
  • F6 -> Add another client window to the split screen
  • ESC -> In game settings menu

Network features

  • Client-side prediction of player entities
  • Client-side interpolation of remote entities
  • Backwards reconciliation and replay
  • Server standalone
  • Network Sync Vars
  • Real-time adjustment of client simulation speed to optimize server's input buffer (Overwatch's method).
  • Server-side lag compensation
  • Full godot server implementation with disabled 3d
  • Master and multi clients in one project (split screen)
  • Optimized netcode (Quake, Overwatch, Valve methods)
  • Remote de(activation) of player components
  • Ready to use godot nodes (ex. ServerPlayer, ServerWorld, ServerLogic..)
  • Server variable sharing between server and client (ServerVars)
  • RCON Implementation for Server Management
  • (TODO) Object syncronistation (dropped guns, etc)


  • Sound syncronistation for footesteps
  • Body movement for puppet, local and server player
  • Moveable camera
  • Two Startup scenes (Bootloader or BootloaderMutliView)
    • Bootloader is for running the server and client with arguments over shell (see client.cmd and server.cmd)
    • BootloaderMutliView is for running Client, Server and more Client in one Window (For testing)


  • Full implemented TPS and FPS Movement (Quake style)
  • Crouching
  • Customizeable and extendable movement
  • Animation network sync


  • Hitscan weapons
  • (TODO) Projectile weapons
  • (TODO) Weapon Handler
  • (TODO) Vehicle Handler
  • (TODO) Bot Handler


  • ServerLogic (Viewport) => Root Node for Server
    • ServerWorld => For handling map and players
      • ServerLevel => Contains your level asset
      • ServerGameRule => Contains the game rules logics
      • ServerPlayer -> Server player class
  • ClientLogic (Viewport) => Root Node for Client
    • ClientWorld => For handling map and players
      • ClientLevel => Contains your level asset
      • LocalPlayer => Contains the local player
      • PuppetPlayer => Contains the puppet player


  • Component system (for extending characters and game world)
  • Registration services (Full threaded services like Networking)
  • Async world loader


  • Simple logging

Debug Server View Split Screen Ingame Menu