a plugin that gives the sqvm access to a high level api for audio
any errors produced by io or rodio will raise errors that you will have to catch with try
and catch
to fetch sounds this plugin starts from the titanfall 2 folder and looks at
+ mod name + /sounds
+ sound name
this means that currenlty profiles aren't supported and if the mod's folder name changes it wouldn't work too
the mod name issue can probably be solved by using NSGetCurrentModName
or not I am not sure how it works.
void function KYPlaySoundFile( string mod_name, string sound_name )
low overhead
just spawns a sound and plays it until it ends or when the game stops runnning
good for short sounds
void function KYPlaySoundFileTracked( string mod_name, string sound_name )
higher overhead, can also fill up the memory since sinks will only be cleaned on client destruction
array<string> function KYGetSounds(string mod_name)
gets all the sounds from a folder
for now only basic stuff ( I am too lazy to add more )
every sink is destroyed at the end of a Client
VM even tho you can call the functions on UI
string function KYCreateSoundSink()
creates a rodio sink and returns a id for it
void function KYAddSoundToSink( string id, string mod_name, string sound_name )
appends a sound to the sink
void function KYSkipSinkSound( string id )
skips the currently playing sound
void function KYSinkSetSpeed( string id, float speed )
speeds up the sounds >:3
normal speed is 1.0
void function KYSinkSetVolume( string id, float volume )
changes the volume
normal volume is 1.0
`float function KYSinkGetVolume( string id )
returns the current volume of the sink
float function KYSinkGetSpeed( string id )
returns the current speed of the sink
void function KYSinkSetPause( string id, bool paused )
attempts to pause or play the current sound in the sink
does nothing if it's already in that state
bool function KYSinkGetPause( string id )
returns the pause state of the sink
void function KYDestroySink( string id )
destroys the sink which makes also makes the id invalid