
Part of my LG battery project

Primary LanguageC

BMS and CAN interface for bq76PL455A

This module permits batteries with bq76PL455A based slave boards to be balanced and monitored. Communication
with the battery slave modules takes place via the proprietary daisychain interface on each battery module.
Up to 16 batteries can be connected in a chain.

The module supports the following functionality:
* Automatic balancing of all cells in the chain
* Pack and cell voltages transmitted on CAN bus
* Temperatures transmitted via CAN bus
* Balancing target can be set via CAN or standalone

Standlone Balancing

With jumper CONF2 open, the module will operate in standalone balancing mode. It will regularly monitor the
voltage of all attached cells, and will bleed any cell that meets BOTH of the following conditions.

* Voltage exceeds 4.0V
* Voltage is more than 10mV higher than the voltage of the lowest cell in the pack

For thermal safety, only one cell (wit the highest voltage) per battery will be discharged at a time.

CAN Balancing

With jumper CONF2 closed, balancing is controlled by CAN bus messages. The module will bleed all cells
in the pack that exceed the voltage specified in the appropriate CAN message. Balancing halts after one
second, so messages must be received at least once per second to ensure continuous balancing. CAN messages
are docuented below.

For thermal safety, only one cell (wit the highest voltage) per battery will be discharged at a time.


In all operating modes, the total pack voltage, individual cell voltages, and battery temperatures
are transmitted on the CAN bus. This can be used for external monitoring or to allow a third party
control unit to make decisions about balancing, charging, and safety limits. CAN messages are
docuented below.


The following connections should be made. Each pair of wires should be twisted together (approx 360 degrees per inch).

1.CANL - Connect this to your CAN bus. On early boards this is mislabeled CANH.
2.CNAH - Connect this to your CAN bus. On early boards this is mislabeled CANL.
3.+12v - Positive power supply. This can be connected to a normal vehicle 12v supply or any power supply between 4v and 15v.
4.GND  - Connect to your common low voltage ground.

If you are using Arduino, all 4 connections can simply go to an Arduino CAN shield.

BATT - This should be connected to the battery chain. Only pins 1 & 2 are required. They
       should be twisted together in the same way as the CAN wiring. OEM cables are compatible.

1 ------------ 1
2 ------------ 2
3              3 (Connection not required but may be beneficial to cable strength)
4              4 (Connection not required but may be beneficial to cable strength)


CAN_TERM - This jumper should be connected if this board is the final device in your CAN bus. Connect it if you
           are connecting direcly to one other device such as an Arduino. This will connect a 120 Ohm resistor
           between CANL and CANH.

CONF1    - If you intend to use two of these devices on the CAN bus, connect this jumper on the second device.
           This will change the CAN ID to avoid conflicts.

CONF2    - CAN controlled balancing. Close this jumper to disable the default policy of 4.0V and 10mV and instead
           allow balancing to be controlled via CAN bus.

CAN Messages Transmitted

The adapter will transmit CAN messages in the following format:

ID      : 0x4f0 (0x4f1 if Jumper CONF1 is connected)
Byte 0  : Module ID (0-15)
Byte 1  : Cell ID (Measurements 0-15 of each module are cell voltages)
Byte 2-3: Cell voltage where 0x0000 is 0.0v and 0xffff is 5.0v. Big endian.

ID      : 0x4f0 (0x4f1 if Jumper CONF1 is connected)
Byte 0  : Module ID (0-15)
Byte 1  : Temperature sensor ID (Measurements 16-23 of each module are temperatures)
Byte 2-3: Outer temperature of battery module. Big endian. See table below for details.

ID      : 0x4f0 (0x4f1 if Jumper CONF1 is connected)
Byte 0  : Module ID (0-15)
Byte 1  : 0xff
Byte 2-3: Balancing bitmap. Identifies which cells are currently being dissharged. LSB is cell 0.

ID      : 0x4f0 (0x4f1 if Jumper CONF1 is connected)
Byte 0  : 0xff (Module 0xff is the adapter itself)
Byte 1  : 0xfe (Measurement ID 0xfe is pack voltage)
Byte 2-5: Pack voltage where 0x0000 is 0.0v and 0xffff is 5.0v. Big endian.

ID      : 0x4f0 (0x4f1 if Jumper CONF1 is connected)
Byte 0  : 0xff (Module 0xff is the adapter itself)
Byte 1  : 0xff (Measurement ID 0xff is status)
Byte 2  : Number of modules detected
Byte 3  : Communication error counter. If a module fails to respond, this counter is incremented and the whole chain is reset.

Additional sensors

ID      Info
--      ----
16      AUX7 - Unknown - probably internal battery temperature sensor. Scale unknown.
17      External NTC - negative side.
18      External NTC - positive side.
19      PCB Temerature. Scale unknown but values above 1v (13107) are safe. Balancing is disabled by the adapter below this value.
20      PCB Temerature. Scale unknown but values above 1v (13107) are safe. Balancing is disabled by the adapter below this value.
21      PCB Temerature. Scale unknown but values above 1v (13107) are safe. Balancing is disabled by the adapter below this value.
22      PCB Temerature. Scale unknown but values above 1v (13107) are safe. Balancing is disabled by the adapter below this value.
23      AUX0 - probably unused. Reads close to 0v

External NTC sesors

The following calculation can be used to convert the readong for an External NTC to a temperature:

float temperature(uint16_t adc) {
  float r = 0.0000000347363427499292f * adc * adc - 0.001025770762903f * adc + 2.68235340614337f;
  float t = log(r) * -30.5280964239816f + 95.6841501312447f;
  return t;

This code will not work for the PCB temperature sensors and will probably not work for AUX7.

CAN Messages Received

The adapter listens for CAN messages in the following format. This message will instruct cells in all modules with a measured
voltage above the specified voltage to self-discharge for a period of 1 second. The specified voltage would usually be the
voltage of the most discharged cell in the chain. This message must be received at least once per second (2Hz recommended) to
balance continuously. Note: For thermal safety, only one cell with the highest volage in each module will be discharged at a
time, but in time, all cells will discharge to the requested voltage.

ID      : 0x4f8 (note: all adapters will act regardless of CONF1 jumper)
Byte 0  : 0x00 (Balance)
Byte 1-2: Cell voltage threshold where 0x0000 is 0.0v and 0xffff is 5.0v

The following message will attempt to reset and re-identify all modules in the chain.
ID      : 0x4f8 (note: all adapters will reset regardless of CONF1 jumper)
Byte 0  : 0x01 (Reset)

The following message will cause the module and all slave modules to sleep in a low power state until a reset message is received
ID      : 0x4f8 (note: all adapters will sleep regardless of CONF1 jumper)
Byte 0  : 0x02 (Sleep)