Driver Drowsiness Detection System

The Driver Drowsiness Detection System is a biomedical project designed to monitor a driver's heart rate while operating a vehicle and prevent drowsiness-related accidents. The project utilizes a pulse sensor attached to the driver's finger to record their heart rate in real-time and trigger an alarm system if the heart rate falls below a certain threshold (in this case, 55 BPM, which is considered the drowsiness range).

The system uses an Arduino board to process the pulse sensor data and activate a vibration motor to provide a tactile stimulus to the driver, effectively waking them up from their drowsy state. The system is designed to be non-intrusive to ensure that the driver's attention is not drawn away from the road while still providing an effective mechanism to prevent accidents caused by driver fatigue.


  • Utilizes a pulse sensor to monitor the driver's heart rate in real-time
  • Triggers an alarm system if the heart rate falls below the drowsiness range
  • Activates a vibration motor to provide a tactile stimulus to the driver
  • Designed to be non-intrusive and not distract the driver


  • Arduino board
  • Pulse sensor
  • Vibration motor
  • Jumper wires
  • Compatible computer system

Installation and Usage

  • Connect the pulse sensor to the Arduino board according to the pin configuration specified in the code.
  • Connect the vibration motor to the Arduino board according to the pin configuration specified in the code.
  • Upload the code to the Arduino board using the Arduino IDE.
  • Connect the Arduino board to the computer system.
  • Attach the pulse sensor to the driver's finger and turn on the system.
  • The vibration motor will activate if the driver's heart rate falls below the drowsiness range.# DriverDrowsiness
