
✨ Soothing pastel theme for COSMIC Desktop Environment

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


🌻 Latte
🪴 Frappé
🌺 Macchiato
🌿 Mocha


COSMIC Desktop Appearance

  1. Clone this repository locally
git clone https://github.com/catppuccin/cosmic-desktop.git
  1. Open COSMIC Settings and navigate to Desktop -> Appearance
  2. Click Import and browse to where you cloned this repository
  3. Select the desired theme under cosmic-settings

COSMIC Terminal Color Scheme

  1. Clone this repository locally
  2. Open COSMIC Terminal and navigate to View -> Color schemes...
  3. Click Import and browse to where you cloned this repository
  4. Select the desired theme under cosmic-term

Generating Custom Configs

generate.py allows you to generate custom configs for COSMIC Desktop. You can use this script to generate a custom config with your preferred colors and other settings.

  1. To use the script, you need to have python and pip installed on your system.
  2. Clone this repository locally and cd into it
git clone https://github.com/catppuccin/cosmic-desktop.git
cd cosmic-desktop
  1. Create a virtual environment and install the required dependencies
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the script with your desired options
$ python generate.py --help
usage: generate.py [-h] [--accent [accent color]]
                   [--bg-alpha [background alpha]] [--frosted frosted effect]
                   [--outer-gap [outer gap size]]
                   [--inner-gap [inner gap size]]
                   [--active-hint [active hint size]]
                   [--roundness [roundness]]
                   [--window-hint-color [window hint color]]
                   [theme flavor]

Generate a Catppuccin theme for Cosmic Desktop

positional arguments:
  theme flavor          The flavor of the theme to generate. Can be 'mocha',
                        'frappe', 'macchiato', or 'latte'.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --accent [accent color], -a [accent color]
                        The accent color to use for the theme.
  --bg-alpha [background alpha], -b [background alpha]
                        The alpha value of the background color.
  --frosted frosted effect, -f frosted effect
                        Whether to use frosted glass effect for the theme.
  --outer-gap [outer gap size], -o [outer gap size]
                        The size of the outer gap.
  --inner-gap [inner gap size], -i [inner gap size]
                        The size of the inner gap.
  --active-hint [active hint size], -ah [active hint size]
                        The size of the active hint.
  --roundness [roundness], -r [roundness]
                        The roundness of the corners. Can be 'round',
                        'slightly round', or 'square'.
  --window-hint-color [window hint color], -whc [window hint color]
                        The color of the window hint.

💝 Thanks to


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