- 3
Doom installation failure
#207 opened by Midnight1938 - 0
can't load the catppuccin theme (latest from melpa)
#208 opened by g1001 - 12
incorrect colors on keys/variables
#189 opened by drishal - 1
Flymake in-buffer faces
#206 opened by jtbx - 3
Add support for Helm
#143 opened by lunacd - 7
Extremely Slow Loading Times
#200 opened by 0xfadead - 0
Dependency Dashboard
#171 opened by renovate - 1
- 3
Missing catppuccin-definitions.el in ~/.emacs.d
#191 opened by jeremie2 - 3
rustic and eglot failure with catppuccin theme
#187 opened by drishal - 3
diff-hl indicators not shown in fringe
#185 opened by gekoke - 7
bluebanged by using Emacs on the tty
#150 opened by amadalusia - 0
`org-html-htmlize-generate-css` fails
#123 opened by nm3000a - 0
smerge (git conflict) faces are not styled
#174 opened by jtbx - 1
variables are not blue
#153 opened by drishal - 6
Comments and rustdocs colored the same
#145 opened by qrilka - 5
Support word granularity git diffs
#154 opened by zrquan - 1
Basic default face is not correct in tty mode
#175 opened by zrquan - 2
#155 opened by NamesCode - 3
Doom Emacs: Startup Error, Cannot Change Flavour, and How Do I Disable the Background?
#135 opened by VehementHam - 3
Unable to find theme file for 'catppuccin-theme'
#151 opened by Andr3wcr0z - 6
Slow loading times
#127 opened by orest58008 - 11
Failed to set catppuccin flavor `Symbol's function definition is void: catppuccin-reload`
#131 opened by asob - 2
Italics shown as underlined in doom emacs 29 pgtk
#128 opened by Nick1296 - 1
- 10
Install Instructions Causes Error
#116 opened by the-arkhive - 0
Modeline style issue
#132 opened by emilknievel - 1
rustic issue
#140 opened by drishal - 2
active region almost unnoticable
#112 opened by azzamsa - 1
Font in example screenshot
#130 opened by jthorpe6 - 8
Search results are not highlighted
#125 opened by edvin - 3
Font scaling issues
#119 opened by artemisYo - 1
Extemely small fonts when running Emacs Daemon
#117 opened by moonTox - 6
rustic quantize color error
#121 opened by uncomfyhalomacro - 0
Eshell prompt is very hard to read
#114 opened by suzuki11109 - 0
doesn't highlight quote blocks properly
#101 opened by moonTox - 1
Release for catppuccin-theme.el
#109 opened by abhiyandhakal - 1
No iedit faces specified (used by evil-multiedit)
#108 opened by azzamsa - 1
Recommend users to use the Melpa version
#107 opened by azzamsa - 2
Use of theme causes frame to immediately close
#106 opened by alyms108 - 2
- 1
- 3
- 0
Follow new styleguide
#87 opened by nyxkrage - 0
Poor colors in magit when viewing cherries
#93 opened by nyxkrage - 1
src block accent
#88 opened by nehrbash - 2
- 1
- 2
Make org headings more varried in color
#80 opened by LonelyMusicDisc - 2