
Grunt checker for the Banana JSON i18n system provided by MediaWiki and jquery.i18n

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Checker for the 'Banana' JSON-file format for interface messages, as used by MediaWiki and jQuery.i18n.

By default, Banana checker asserts the following:

  • The source and documentation files must exist and contain valid JSON.
  • Both files include a @metadata object.
  • Each defined source message is documentated.
  • Each defined documentation entry has a matching source message.

For all available options, see the Options section.

You can use Banana checker standalone, or as Grunt plugin.

Getting started (Grunt plugin)

To use this plugin, add it as a development dependency to your project:

npm install grunt-banana-checker --save-dev

Ensure your project has a Gruntfile.js file (example file). Then, in Gruntfile.js, add the line:

grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-banana-checker' );

Configure the Grunt plugin

In Gruntfile.js, add a configuation key for banana and set it to an empty object.

We will use this object to declare which directory contains the interface messages. For example, to enable grunt-banana-checker for a single directory only, configure it like so:

grunt.initConfig( {
	banana: {
	    all: 'i18n/'
} );

You can also configure multiple directories, like so:

grunt.initConfig( {
	banana: {
	    core: 'languages/i18n/',
	    installer: 'includes/installer/i18n/'
} );

You can also use globbing patterns and/or arrays of directories, like so:

grunt.initConfig( {
	banana: {
	    all: 'modules/ve-{mw,wmf}/i18n/'
} );

For a full list of supported ways of defining the target directory of a Grunt plugin, see Configuring tasks on gruntjs.com.

To customise the options for Banana checker, define your target directory as an object instead of a string, with src and options properties, like so:

grunt.initConfig( {
	banana: {
		all: {
			src: 'i18n/',
			options: {
				sourceFile: 'messages.json',
				documentationFile: 'documentation.json'
} );

For all available options, see the Options section.


The Banana checker also offers a command-line interface.

npm install grunt-banana-checker --save-dev

To use Banana checker as part of your test run, refer to the banana-checker program from the scripts.test property in your package.json file.

	"scripts": {
		"test": "banana-checker i18n/"

To set custom options, pass parameters as --key=value pairs. For example:

npx banana-checker --requireKeyPrefix="x-" i18n/
  • For boolean options, use the valus 0, 1, true, or false.
  • Quotes are allowed, but not required.
  • For options that allow multiple values, separate values by comma. Like --key=one,two.


For edge cases, you can set some path options:


Type: string Default value: "en.json"

The JSON file providing the primary messages.


Type: string Default value: "qqq.json"

The JSON file providing the documentation messages.


Type: boolean Default value: true

Whether to fail if message files don't have a @metadata meta-data key.


Type: boolean Default value: true

Whether to fail if any message is in the primary file but not documented.


Type: boolean Default value: true

Whether to fail if any message is in the primary file but documented as a blank string.


Type: boolean or "initial" Default value: true

Whether to fail if any message key is not lower case. If set to "initial", fail only if the first character is not lower case.


Type: string or string[] Default value: []

Whether to fail if any message key is not prefixed by the given prefix, or if multiple, one of the given prefices.


Type: boolean Default value: true

Whether to fail if any documented message isn't in the primary file.


Type: boolean Default value: true

Whether to fail if any message is translated as a blank string.


Type: boolean Default value: false

Whether to fail if any message is translated as identical to the original string.


Type: boolean Default value: false

Whether to fail if any translated message isn't in the primary file.


Type: string[] Default value: [] Example value: [ 'fr', 'es' ]

Languages on which to fail if any message in the primary file is missing.


Type: string[] Default value: [] Example value: [ 'first-message-key', 'third-message-key' ]

Messages on which to fail if missing in any provided language.