

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Open Source Service Lifecycle Management (OSSLM)

The Open Source Service Lifecycle Management (OSSLM for short) project contains Resource Manager (VNFM) API specifications and sample Resource Manager adaptor implementations.

Use OSSLM to create your own Resource Manager adaptor implementation that adhere to the API or extend the existing code modules to add new capabilities.The Resource Manager API is responsible for defining the interactions between a lifecycle manager and the resource managers that are used to manage resources within virtual (or physical) infrastructures.

Complete SDK documentation can be found in the doc directory.

resource manager architecture

We use GitHub issues for tracking requests and bugs. If you'd like to contribute to OSSLM, please take a look at our contribution guidelines.

Links to Sections:


  • docker version >= 17.06.0-ce
  • docker-compose version >= 1.14.0

For the UCD adaptor [Java 1.8 JDK] is needed to build the adaptor. For the ansible adaptor python knowldge is required. In addition, an understanding of REST is helpful when interacting with OSSLM API docs.

Creating your first Resource Manager Adaptor

Sample implementations of Resource Manager adaptors are available for

More Information

  • [API Specs], a good starting place for learning about Resource Manager API here.

Authors (alphabetical)

Jochen Kappel, Tony O'Brien

In future releases, anyone who contributes with code to this project is welcome to include their name here.


This project uses the Apache License Version 2.0 software license.