
Package manager for Liquidity lang of Tezos

Primary LanguageOCaml


Package manager for liquidity of Tezos


Liquidity >= 4.01

Liquidpacker Installation

opam pin https://github.com/catsigma/liquidpacker.git
liquidpacker setpath <your liquidity executable file path>

Install package from local

liquidpacker install examples/foo

This will also install all the dependencies defined in the liquidpacker file in the package's root folder.

Install package from git

liquidpacker install https://github.com/tezexchange/token-standard.git

Build package

liquidpacker build examples/foo
liquidpacker build examples/use_of_token

Liquidpacker file

  (name <the package name>)
  (version 0.1.0)
  (files <.liq file sequence>)
  (main <?module sequence>)
  (options <additional liquidity parameters>)
  (output <output dir name>)
    (<name> <directory location / git address> <version requirement>))


  (name foo)
  (version 0.1.0)
  (files a.liq b.liq)
  (main W X Y Q)
  (options "--json --no-annot")
  (output build)
    (bar ./../bar (>= 0.1))
    (token https://github.com/tezexchange/token-standard.git (<= 0.3)))