
Scrape and download from Piccoma/ピッコマ (France/Japan).

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Downloads Latest GitHub release Latest PyPI release License

Directly download smartoon, manga, and novels from Piccoma Japan and Piccoma France.



  • Python 3.11


$ pip install pyccoma

Getting Started

Using the command-line utility

To download a single episode, simply use:

$ pyccoma https://piccoma.com/web/viewer/103981/2646730

You can also pass multiple links (separated by whitespace) to download in one go, then use the --archive option to output to a cbz archive.

$ pyccoma https://piccoma.com/web/viewer/60171/1575237 https://piccoma.com/web/viewer/8195/1185884 --archive

Use the option --region to switch between Piccoma Japan (default) and Piccoma France.

$ pyccoma https://piccoma.com/fr/viewer/49/2946 --region fr

Access purchased episodes from your library by logging in using the --email option.

$ pyccoma purchase --region fr --filter all --include is_purchased --email foo@bar.com
$ pyccoma purchase --region jp --filter all --include is_purchased --email foo@bar.com

Read more about the available CLI options on the next section below. You can also see more examples here on how to aggregate and batch download using the command-line utility.

Using Python shell

Import the Pyccoma class according to their region.

Module Description
pyccoma.jp Piccoma Japan
pyccoma.fr Piccoma France

Create a Pyccoma instance and use fetch to scrape and download images from a viewer page.

>>> from pyccoma.jp import Pyccoma
>>> jp = Pyccoma()
>>> jp.fetch('https://piccoma.com/web/viewer/8195/1185884')

Title: ひげを剃るそして女子高生を拾う。(しめさば ぶーた 足立いまる)
Episode: 第1話 失恋と女子高生 (1)
  |███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% (14/14)
Elapsed time: 00:00:17

>>> from pyccoma.fr import Pyccoma
>>> fr = Pyccoma()
>>> fr.fetch('https://piccoma.com/fr/viewer/49/2944')

Title: Roxana (BAEK JI-YEON Juniljus Kin)
Episode: #1 Il est mon seul espoir de survie
  |███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% (80/80)
Elapsed time: 00:00:47

You can use login to have access to rental or paywalled episodes from your own library.

>>> jp.login(email, password)
>>> jp.fetch('https://piccoma.com/web/viewer/s/4995/1217972', 'output_dir')

Title: かぐや様は告らせたい天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~(赤坂アカ)
Episode: 第135話
  |███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% (20/20)
Elapsed time: 00:00:23



Option Description Examples
url Must be a valid url https://piccoma.com/web/product/4995/episodes?etype=V, https://piccoma.com/web/product/12482/episodes?etype=E, https://piccoma.com/web/viewer/12482/631201, https://piccoma.com/fr/product/volume/109, https://piccoma.com/fr/product/episode/231, bookmark, history, purchase


Option Description Examples
--region Select which service to use Jp (Piccoma Japan), Fr (Piccoma France)


Option Description Examples
-o, --output Local directory to save downloaded images D:/piccoma/ (absolute path), /piccoma/download/ (relative path)
-f, --format Image format jpeg, jpg, gif, bmp, png (default)
-p, --pad Pad page numbers with leading zeroes 0 (default)
--archive Download as cbz archive
--omit-author Omit author names from titles


Option Description Examples
--retry-count Number of download retry attempts when error occurred 3 (default)
--retry-interval Delay between each retry attempt (in seconds) 1 (default)


Option Description Examples
--email Your registered email address; this does not support OAuth authentication foo@bar.com


Option Description Examples
--etype Preferred episode type to scrape manga, smartoon, and novel when scraping history, bookmark, purchase; takes in three arguments, the first one for manga, the second for smartoon, and the last one for novel volume to scrape for volumes, episode to scrape for episodes
--filter Filter to use when scraping episodes from a product page or your library min, max, all, or custom by defining --range. Use min to scrape for the first item, max for the last item, all to scrape all items, and custom to scrape for a specific index range
--range Range to use when scraping episodes; takes in two arguments, start and end; will always override --filter to parse custom, if omitted or otherwise 0 10 will scrape the first up to the tenth episode
--include Status arguments to include when parsing a library or product; can parse in | and & operators as conditionals, see use cases below is_purchased, is_free, is_zero_plus, is_already_read, is_read_for_free, is_wait_until_free
--exclude Status arguments to exclude when parsing a library or product; can parse in | and & operators as conditionals, see use cases below is_purchased, is_free, is_zero_plus, is_already_read, is_read_for_free, is_wait_until_free


Option Description Examples
-l, --loglevel Set the log message threshold debug, info (default), warning, error, none


Use the --include and --exclude options in the command-line utility to narrow down which items are included in an aggregation.

Argument Description
is_free Free-to-access volumes/episodes
is_wait_until_free Episodes that can be accessed by waiting/using free pass
is_read_for_free Episodes that are accessed using free pass
is_purchased Purchased volumes/episodes
is_zero_plus Free-to-access episodes
is_already_read Items that have been accessed before; formatted as grayed-out rows

Aggregating and downloading in batch

  • Downloading all free episodes in a single product page:
$ pyccoma https://piccoma.com/web/product/67171/episodes?etype=E --filter all --include is_free
  • Downloading all free episodes across multiple products:
$ pyccoma https://piccoma.com/web/product/5523/episodes?etype=E https://piccoma.com/web/product/23019/episodes?etype=E --filter all --include is_free
  • Downloading all first episodes across multiple products:
$ pyccoma https://piccoma.com/web/product/6575/episodes?etype=E https://piccoma.com/web/product/41993/episodes?etype=E --filter min
  • Downloading using custom with range:
$ pyccoma https://piccoma.com/web/product/16070/episodes?etype=E --filter custom --range 1 5


Pyccoma was made for the sole purpose of helping users download media from Piccoma for offline consumption. This is for private use only, do not use this tool to promote piracy.