
CMake wrapper for conan C and C++ package manager

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


CMake wrapper for conan C and C++ package manager

** Testing required **: This tools is still experimental, please try and contribute, specially with the extraction of settings from cmake.

This cmake code allows to launch conan install from cmake.

It can be used this way:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(myproject CXX)

# Download automatically, you can also just copy the conan.cmake file
if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conan.cmake")
   message(STATUS "Downloading conan.cmake from https://github.com/memsharded/cmake-conan")
   file(DOWNLOAD "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conan-io/cmake-conan/master/conan.cmake"


conan_cmake_run(REQUIRES Hello/0.1@memsharded/testing
                BUILD missing)

add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main ${CONAN_LIBS})

If you want to use targets, you could do:

conan_cmake_run(REQUIRES Hello/0.1@memsharded/testing
                BUILD missing)

add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main CONAN_PKG::Hello)

If you want to use your own conanfile.txt or conanfile.py instead of generating a temporary one, you could do:

conan_cmake_run(CONANFILE conanfile.txt  # or relative build/conanfile.txt
                BUILD missing)

The resolution of the path will be relative to the root CMakeLists.txt file.

To use the cmake_multi generator you just need to make sure CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is empty and use a CMake generator that supports multi-configuration.

Please check the source code for other options and arguments.

Development, contributors

There are some tests, you can run in python, with nosetests, for example:

$ nosetests . --nocapture

If there are enough interest, I will set up CI with travis & appveyor