
Xsolla Buy Button Widget

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Xsolla Buy Button Widget

Integration Guide

Xsolla team created a script to simplify the integration of Buy Button product into your website.

See Demo


  • Widget can be easily embedded on your page, and will provide user the details about selling item (e.g. Digital Content, Physical Good, Virtual Item, Bundle)
  • Payment Interface opening
  • The most appropriate interface depending on the type of device
  • Compliant with the AMD and CommonJS specification for defining modules

Getting Started

You should have node v10+ and also you need to install Bower.

npm install
bower install
gulp serve

Getting the code

Linking to Xsolla CDN

Script is located on our CDN and is available here: https://cdn.xsolla.net/embed/buy-button/3.1.8/widget.min.js. Use this URL to integrate script on your website.

Installing with Bower

If you want to include the source code of widget as a part of your project, you can install the package using Bower or NPM.


$ bower install xsolla/buy-button-widget


$ npm install @xsolla/buy-button-widget

Script Loading

Asynchronous loading with callback (recommended)

    var options = {
        project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
        sku: "YOUR-SKU",
        widget_ui: {
            target_element: '#widget-example-element'
    var s = document.createElement('script');
    s.type = "text/javascript";
    s.async = true;
    s.src = "//cdn.xsolla.net/embed/buy-button/3.1.8/widget.min.js";
    s.addEventListener('load', function (e) {
        var widgetInstance = XBuyButtonWidget.create(options);
    }, false);
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];

It is necessary to perform XBuyButtonWidget.create() when the DOM is fully loaded. You can track the appropriate event, or add the script after the element, where widget should be rendered.

Synchronous loading (blocks content)

<script src="//cdn.xsolla.net/embed/buy-button/3.1.8/widget.min.js"></script>
    var widgetInstance = XBuyButtonWidget.create({
        project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
        sku: "YOUR-SKU",
        widget_ui: {
            target_element: '#widget-example-element'


If your project uses CommonJS module format, you can access the widget by require()

var XBuyButtonWidget = require('PATH_TO_WIDGET/embed');
var widgetInstance = XBuyButtonWidget.create({
        project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
        sku: "YOUR-SKU",
        widget_ui: {
            target_element: '#widget-example-element'

RequireJS (AMD)

Also you can use widget with RequireJS loader

define(['PATH_TO_WIDGET/embed'], function (XBuyButtonWidget) {
    var widgetInstance = XBuyButtonWidget.create({
        project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
        sku: "YOUR-SKU",
        widget_ui: {
            target_element: '#widget-example-element'

ES6 import

If you are using ES6 modules syntax

import XBuyButtonWidget from 'xsolla-buy-button-widget';

const widgetInstance = XBuyButtonWidget.create({
        project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
        sku: "YOUR-SKU",
        widget_ui: {
            target_element: '#widget-example-element'

Widget Options

  • access_token — Access token (see Get Token). Use this parameter only if you are already integrated Xsolla through Access Token. Configuration through Project ID and Sku is preferable way to integrate widget
  • project_id — Unique project identifier in Publisher Account
  • item_type — One of values: "game_key", "physical_good", "virtual_item", "virtual_currency", "bundle". Default value is "game_key"
  • sku — Unique identifier that refers to the particular stock keeping unit
  • drm — Predefined DRM (e.g. Steam) for Digital Content item. Allows user to skip the DRM selection step
  • api_settings
    • host — Host for performing requests. The default value is store.xsolla.com
    • api_host — Host for performing API requests. The default value is store.xsolla.com/api
    • sandbox — Set true to test the payment process, sandbox-secure.xsolla.com will be used instead secure.xsolla.com to process payments (see Testing the Payment Process)
  • user — Custom user data
    • auth — Xsolla Login user authorization token or PayStation access token
    • locale — User locale, will be passed to Payment Interface
  • widget_ui
    • theme — Widget color theme, defining its appearance. Can be object { foreground : ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'gold'], background : ['light', 'dark']. }
    • template — Template. Values: string 'standard' (default), string 'simple'.
    • target_element (required) — Element of the page, where the widget should be rendered (jQuery selector should be used, for example '#widget-example')
  • payment_ui - Payment interface appearance parameters (see Payment UI settings)

The following parameters define the payment widget appearance, and coincide with Xsolla PayStation Widget parameters.

  • payment_widget_ui
    • lightbox — Options for modal dialog that contains frame of PayStation
      • width — Width of lightbox frame. If null, depends on paystation width. Default is null
      • height — Height of lightbox frame. If null, depends on paystation height. Default is '100%'
      • zIndex — Property controls the vertical stacking order, default is 1000
      • overlayOpacity — Opacity of the overlay (from 0 to 1), default is '.6'
      • overlayBackground — Background of the overlay, default is '#000000'
      • modal - Lightbox frame cannot be closed, default false
      • closeByClick — Toggle if clicking the overlay should close lightbox, default true
      • closeByKeyboard — Toggle if pressing of ESC key should close lightbox, default true
      • contentBackground — Background of the frame, default is '#ffffff'
      • contentMargin — margin around frame, default '10px',
      • spinner — Type of animated loading spinner, can be 'xsolla', 'round', 'none' or 'custom', default is the first one
      • spinnerColor — Color of the spinner, not set by default
      • spinnerUrl — URL of custom spinner, default is null
      • spinnerRotationPeriod — Rotation period of custom spinner, default 0
    • childWindow — Options for child window that contains PayStation. Suitable for mobile version
      • target — The target option specifies where to open the Paystation window, can be '_blank', '_self', '_parent', default is '_blank'

Also, if you need to define parameters that are not described above. You can define additional parameters in the payment widget (see available parameters).

  • access_data
    • user — user specific settings, for example 'user.email.value' or 'user.country.value'
    • settings — common widget settings, for example 'settings.language' or 'settings.currency'

Configuration Examples

Example 1 (Digital Content)

    project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
    item_type: "game_key",
    sku: "YOUR-SKU",
    widget_ui: {
        target_element: '#widget-example-element'

Example 2 (Digital Content with predefined Drm)

    project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
    item_type: "game_key",
    sku: "YOUR-SKU",
    drm: "steam",
    widget_ui: {
        target_element: '#widget-example-element'

Example 3 (Digital Content with Access Token integration)

    project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
    item_type: "game_key",
    access_token: "YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN",
    widget_ui: {
        target_element: '#widget-example-element'

Example 4 (Physical Good)

    project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
    item_type: "physical_good",
    sku: "YOUR-SKU",
    widget_ui: {
        target_element: '#widget-example-element'

Example 5 (Virtual Item with authorized user)

    project_id: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
    item_type: "virtual_item",
    sku: "YOUR-SKU",
    user: {
        auth: "XSOLLA-LOGIN-TOKEN"
    widget_ui: {
        target_element: '#widget-example-element'

Widget API


You can refer to the widget object, using the following methods:

  • var widgetInstance = XBuyButtonWidget.create(options) — Create the widget instance and render it on the page
  • widgetInstance.on(event, handler) — Attach an event handler function for event to the widget.
    • event (string) — Event type.
    • handler (function) — A function to execute when the event is triggered.
  • widgetInstance.off(event, handler) — Remove an event handler.
    • event (string) — Event type.
    • handler (function) — A handler function previously attached for the event.


  • init — Event on widget initialization
  • open — Event on opening of the widget
  • load — Event after payment interface (PayStation) was loaded
  • close — Event after payment interface (PayStation) was closed
  • status — Event when the user was moved on the status page
  • status-invoice — Event when the user was moved on the status page, but the payment is not yet completed
  • status-delivering — Event when the user was moved on the status page, payment was completed, and we’re sending payment notification
  • status-done — Event when the user was moved on the status page, and the payment was completed successfully
  • status-troubled — Event when the user was moved on the status page, but the payment failed

You can access list of events using XBuyButtonWidget.eventTypes object.