
Terraform module for AWS GitLab runners on ec2 (spot) instances

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

Terraform registry Gitter Actions Renovate

Terraform module for GitLab auto-scaling runners on AWS spot instances

💥 See issue 819 on how to migrate to v7 smoothly.

This Terraform modules creates a GitLab Runner. A blog post describes the original version of the runner. See the post at 040code. The original setup of the module is based on the blog post: Auto scale GitLab CI runners and save 90% on EC2 costs.

The runners created by the module use spot instances by default for running the builds using the docker+machine executor.

  • Shared cache in S3 with life cycle management to clear objects after x days.
  • Logs streamed to CloudWatch.
  • Runner agents registered automatically.

The runner supports 3 main scenarios:

  1. GitLab CI docker-machine runner - one runner agent

    In this scenario the runner agent is running on a single EC2 node and runners are created by docker machine using spot instances. Runners will scale automatically based on the configuration. The module creates a S3 cache by default, which is shared across runners (spot instances).


  2. GitLab CI docker-machine runner - multiple runner agents

    In this scenario the multiple runner agents can be created with different configuration by instantiating the module multiple times. Runners will scale automatically based on the configuration. The S3 cache can be shared across runners by managing the cache outside the module.


  3. GitLab Ci docker runner

    In this scenario not docker machine is used but docker to schedule the builds. Builds will run on the same EC2 instance as the agent. No auto-scaling is supported.


For detailed concepts and usage please refer to usage.

Contributors ✨

PRs are welcome! Please see the contributing guide for more details.

Thanks to all the people who already contributed!


Made with contributors-img.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Module Documentation


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3
aws >= 5.26
local >= 2.4.0
tls >= 3


Name Version
aws 5.63.0
local 2.5.1
tls 4.0.5


Name Source Version
cache ./modules/cache n/a
terminate_agent_hook ./modules/terminate-agent-hook n/a


Name Type
aws_autoscaling_group.autoscaler resource
aws_autoscaling_group.gitlab_runner_instance resource
aws_autoscaling_lifecycle_hook.wait_for_gitlab_runner resource
aws_autoscaling_schedule.scale_in resource
aws_autoscaling_schedule.scale_out resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.environment resource
aws_eip.gitlab_runner resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.docker_autoscaler resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.docker_machine resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.instance resource
aws_iam_policy.eip resource
aws_iam_policy.instance_docker_autoscaler_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.instance_docker_machine_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.instance_kms_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.instance_session_manager_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.service_linked_role resource
aws_iam_policy.ssm resource
aws_iam_role.docker_autoscaler resource
aws_iam_role.docker_machine resource
aws_iam_role.instance resource
aws_iam_role_policy.instance resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.docker_autoscaler_session_manager_aws_managed resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.docker_autoscaler_user_defined_policies resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.docker_machine_cache_instance resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.docker_machine_session_manager_aws_managed resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.docker_machine_user_defined_policies resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.eip resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.instance_docker_autoscaler_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.instance_docker_machine_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.instance_kms_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.instance_session_manager_aws_managed resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.instance_session_manager_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.service_linked_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ssm resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.user_defined_policies resource
aws_key_pair.autoscaler resource
aws_key_pair.fleet resource
aws_kms_alias.default resource
aws_kms_key.default resource
aws_launch_template.fleet_gitlab_runner resource
aws_launch_template.gitlab_runner_instance resource
aws_launch_template.this resource
aws_security_group.docker_autoscaler resource
aws_security_group.docker_machine resource
aws_security_group.runner resource
aws_security_group_rule.autoscaler_egress resource
aws_security_group_rule.autoscaler_ingress resource
aws_security_group_rule.docker_machine_docker_runner resource
aws_security_group_rule.docker_machine_docker_self resource
aws_security_group_rule.docker_machine_ping_runner resource
aws_security_group_rule.docker_machine_ping_self resource
aws_security_group_rule.docker_machine_ssh_runner resource
aws_security_group_rule.docker_machine_ssh_self resource
aws_security_group_rule.extra_autoscaler_ingress resource
aws_security_group_rule.runner_ping_group resource
aws_ssm_parameter.runner_registration_token resource
aws_ssm_parameter.runner_sentry_dsn resource
local_file.config_toml resource
local_file.user_data resource
tls_private_key.autoscaler resource
tls_private_key.fleet resource
aws_ami.docker-autoscaler data source
aws_ami.docker-machine data source
aws_ami.runner data source
aws_availability_zone.runners data source
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.ssm data source
aws_partition.current data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_subnet.runners data source


Name Description Type Default Required
debug trace_runner_user_data: Enable bash trace for the user data script on the Agent. Be aware this could log sensitive data such as you GitLab runner token.
write_runner_config_to_file: When enabled, outputs the rendered config.toml file in the root module. Note that enabling this can
potentially expose sensitive information.
write_runner_user_data_to_file: When enabled, outputs the rendered userdata.sh file in the root module. Note that enabling this
can potentially expose sensitive information.
trace_runner_user_data = optional(bool, false)
write_runner_config_to_file = optional(bool, false)
write_runner_user_data_to_file = optional(bool, false)
{} no
enable_managed_kms_key Let the module manage a KMS key. Be-aware of the costs of an custom key. Do not specify a kms_key_id when enable_kms is set to true. bool false no
environment A name that identifies the environment, used as prefix and for tagging. string n/a yes
iam_object_prefix Set the name prefix of all AWS IAM resources. string "" no
iam_permissions_boundary Name of permissions boundary policy to attach to AWS IAM roles string "" no
kms_key_id KMS key id to encrypt the resources. Ensure that CloudWatch and Runner/Runner Workers have access to the provided KMS key. string "" no
kms_managed_alias_name Alias added to the created KMS key. string "" no
kms_managed_deletion_rotation_window_in_days Key deletion/rotation window for the created KMS key. Set to 0 for no rotation/deletion window. number 7 no
runner_ami_filter List of maps used to create the AMI filter for the Runner AMI. Must resolve to an Amazon Linux 1, 2 or 2023 image. map(list(string))
"name": [
runner_ami_owners The list of owners used to select the AMI of the Runner instance. list(string)
runner_cloudwatch enable = Boolean used to enable or disable the CloudWatch logging.
log_group_name = Option to override the default name (environment) of the log group. Requires enable = true.
retention_days = Retention for cloudwatch logs. Defaults to unlimited. Requires enable = true.
enable = optional(bool, true)
log_group_name = optional(string, null)
retention_days = optional(number, 0)
{} no
runner_enable_asg_recreation Enable automatic redeployment of the Runner's ASG when the Launch Configs change. bool true no
runner_gitlab ca_certificate = Trusted CA certificate bundle (PEM format).
certificate = Certificate of the GitLab instance to connect to (PEM format).
registration_token = (deprecated, This is replaced by the registration_token in runner_gitlab_registration_config.) Registration token to use to register the Runner.
runner_version = Version of the GitLab Runner. Make sure that it is available for your AMI. See https://packages.gitlab.com/app/runner/gitlab-runner/search?dist=amazon%2F2023&filter=rpms&page=1&q=
url = URL of the GitLab instance to connect to.
url_clone = URL of the GitLab instance to clone from. Use only if the agent can’t connect to the GitLab URL.
access_token_secure_parameter_store_name = (deprecated) The name of the SSM parameter to read the GitLab access token from. It must have the api scope and be pre created.
preregistered_runner_token_ssm_parameter_name = The name of the SSM parameter to read the preregistered GitLab Runner token from.
ca_certificate = optional(string, "")
certificate = optional(string, "")
registration_token = optional(string, "REPLACED_BY_USER_DATA") # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
runner_version = optional(string, "16.0.3")
url = optional(string, "")
url_clone = optional(string, "")
access_token_secure_parameter_store_name = optional(string, "gitlab-runner-access-token") # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
preregistered_runner_token_ssm_parameter_name = optional(string, "")
n/a yes
runner_gitlab_registration_config (deprecated, replaced by runner_gitlab.preregistered_runner_token_ssm_parameter_name) Configuration used to register the Runner. See the README for an example, or reference the examples in the examples directory of this repo. There is also a good GitLab documentation available at: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/configure_runners.html
registration_token = optional(string, "GITLAB_REGISTRATION_TOKEN_FROM_SSM") # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
tag_list = optional(string, "") # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
description = optional(string, "") # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
type = optional(string, "") # mandatory if gitlab_runner_version >= 16.0.0 # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
group_id = optional(string, "") # mandatory if type is group # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
project_id = optional(string, "") # mandatory if type is project # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
locked_to_project = optional(string, "") # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
run_untagged = optional(string, "") # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
maximum_timeout = optional(string, "") # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
access_level = optional(string, "not_protected") # this is the only mandatory field calling the GitLab get token for executor operation # deprecated, removed in 8.0.0
{} no
runner_gitlab_registration_token_secure_parameter_store_name (deprecated, replaced by runner_gitlab.preregistered_runner_token_ssm_parameter_name) The name of the SSM parameter to read the GitLab Runner registration token from. string "gitlab-runner-registration-token" no
runner_gitlab_token_secure_parameter_store Name of the Secure Parameter Store entry to hold the GitLab Runner token. string "runner-token" no
runner_install amazon_ecr_credentials_helper = Install amazon-ecr-credential-helper inside userdata_pre_install script
docker_machine_download_url = URL to download docker machine binary. If not set, the docker machine version will be used to download the binary.
docker_machine_version = By default docker_machine_download_url is used to set the docker machine version. This version will be ignored once docker_machine_download_url is set. The version number is maintained by the CKI project. Check out at https://gitlab.com/cki-project/docker-machine/-/releases
pre_install_script = Script to run before installing the Runner
post_install_script = Script to run after installing the Runner
start_script = Script to run after starting the Runner
yum_update = Update the yum packages before installing the Runner
amazon_ecr_credential_helper = optional(bool, false)
docker_machine_download_url = optional(string, "")
docker_machine_version = optional(string, "0.16.2-gitlab.19-cki.2")
pre_install_script = optional(string, "")
post_install_script = optional(string, "")
start_script = optional(string, "")
yum_update = optional(bool, true)
{} no
runner_instance additional_tags = Map of tags that will be added to the Runner instance.
collect_autoscaling_metrics = A list of metrics to collect. The allowed values are GroupDesiredCapacity, GroupInServiceCapacity, GroupPendingCapacity, GroupMinSize, GroupMaxSize, GroupInServiceInstances, GroupPendingInstances, GroupStandbyInstances, GroupStandbyCapacity, GroupTerminatingCapacity, GroupTerminatingInstances, GroupTotalCapacity, GroupTotalInstances.
ebs_optimized = Enable EBS optimization for the Runner instance.
max_lifetime_seconds = The maximum time a Runner should live before it is killed.
monitoring = Enable the detailed monitoring on the Runner instance.
name = Name of the Runner instance.
name_prefix = Set the name prefix and override the Name tag for the Runner instance.
private_address_only = Restrict the Runner to use private IP addresses only. If this is set to true the Runner will use a private IP address only in case the Runner Workers use private addresses only.
root_device_config = The Runner's root block device configuration. Takes the following keys: device_name, delete_on_termination, volume_type, volume_size, encrypted, iops, throughput, kms_key_id
spot_price = By setting a spot price bid price the Runner is created via a spot request. Be aware that spot instances can be stopped by AWS. Choose "on-demand-price" to pay up to the current on demand price for the instance type chosen.
ssm_access = Allows to connect to the Runner via SSM.
type = EC2 instance type used.
use_eip = Assigns an EIP to the Runner.
additional_tags = optional(map(string))
collect_autoscaling_metrics = optional(list(string), null)
ebs_optimized = optional(bool, true)
max_lifetime_seconds = optional(number, null)
monitoring = optional(bool, true)
name = string
name_prefix = optional(string)
private_address_only = optional(bool, true)
root_device_config = optional(map(string), {})
spot_price = optional(string, null)
ssm_access = optional(bool, false)
type = optional(string, "t3.micro")
use_eip = optional(bool, false)
"name": "gitlab-runner"
runner_manager For details check https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-global-section

gitlab_check_interval = Number of seconds between checking for available jobs (check_interval)
maximum_concurrent_jobs = The maximum number of jobs which can be processed by all Runners at the same time (concurrent).
prometheus_listen_address = Defines an address (:) the Prometheus metrics HTTP server should listen on (listen_address).
sentry_dsn = Sentry DSN of the project for the Runner Manager to use (uses legacy DSN format) (sentry_dsn)
gitlab_check_interval = optional(number, 3)
maximum_concurrent_jobs = optional(number, 10)
prometheus_listen_address = optional(string, "")
sentry_dsn = optional(string, "SENTRY_DSN_REPLACED_BY_USER_DATA")
{} no
runner_metadata_options Enable the Runner instance metadata service. IMDSv2 is enabled by default.
http_endpoint = string
http_tokens = string
http_put_response_hop_limit = number
instance_metadata_tags = string
"http_endpoint": "enabled",
"http_put_response_hop_limit": 2,
"http_tokens": "required",
"instance_metadata_tags": "disabled"
runner_networking allow_incoming_ping = Allow ICMP Ping to the Runner. Specify allow_incoming_ping_security_group_ids too!
allow_incoming_ping_security_group_ids = A list of security group ids that are allowed to ping the Runner.
security_group_description = A description for the Runner's security group
security_group_ids = IDs of security groups to add to the Runner.
allow_incoming_ping = optional(bool, false)
allow_incoming_ping_security_group_ids = optional(list(string), [])
security_group_description = optional(string, "A security group containing gitlab-runner agent instances")
security_group_ids = optional(list(string), [])
{} no
runner_networking_egress_rules List of egress rules for the Runner.
cidr_blocks = list(string)
ipv6_cidr_blocks = list(string)
prefix_list_ids = list(string)
from_port = number
protocol = string
security_groups = list(string)
self = bool
to_port = number
description = string
"cidr_blocks": [
"description": null,
"from_port": 0,
"ipv6_cidr_blocks": [
"prefix_list_ids": null,
"protocol": "-1",
"security_groups": null,
"self": null,
"to_port": 0
runner_role additional_tags = Map of tags that will be added to the role created. Useful for tag based authorization.
allow_iam_service_linked_role_creation = Boolean used to control attaching the policy to the Runner to create service linked roles.
assume_role_policy_json = The assume role policy for the Runner.
create_role_profile = Whether to create the IAM role/profile for the Runner. If you provide your own role, make sure that it has the required permissions.
policy_arns = List of policy ARNs to be added to the instance profile of the Runner.
role_profile_name = IAM role/profile name for the Runner. If unspecified then ${var.iam_object_prefix}-instance is used.
additional_tags = optional(map(string))
allow_iam_service_linked_role_creation = optional(bool, true)
assume_role_policy_json = optional(string, "")
create_role_profile = optional(bool, true)
policy_arns = optional(list(string), [])
role_profile_name = optional(string)
{} no
runner_schedule_config Map containing the configuration of the ASG scale-out and scale-in for the Runner. Will only be used if runner_schedule_enable is set to true. map(any)
"scale_in_count": 0,
"scale_in_recurrence": "0 18 * * 1-5",
"scale_in_time_zone": "Etc/UTC",
"scale_out_count": 1,
"scale_out_recurrence": "0 8 * * 1-5",
"scale_out_time_zone": "Etc/UTC"
runner_schedule_enable Set to true to enable the auto scaling group schedule for the Runner. bool false no
runner_sentry_secure_parameter_store_name The Sentry DSN name used to store the Sentry DSN in Secure Parameter Store string "sentry-dsn" no
runner_terminate_ec2_lifecycle_hook_name Specifies a custom name for the ASG terminate lifecycle hook and related resources. string null no
runner_terminate_ec2_lifecycle_timeout_duration Amount of time in seconds to wait for GitLab Runner to finish picked up jobs. Defaults to the maximum_timeout configured + 5m. Maximum allowed is 7200 (2 hours) number null no
runner_terminate_ec2_timeout_duration Timeout in seconds for the graceful terminate worker Lambda function. number 90 no
runner_terraform_timeout_delete_asg Timeout when trying to delete the Runner ASG. string "10m" no
runner_worker For detailed information, check https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runners-section.

environment_variables = List of environment variables to add to the Runner Worker (environment).
max_jobs = Number of jobs which can be processed in parallel by the Runner Worker.
output_limit = Sets the maximum build log size in kilobytes. Default is 4MB (output_limit).
request_concurrency = Limit number of concurrent requests for new jobs from GitLab (default 1) (request_concurrency).
ssm_access = Allows to connect to the Runner Worker via SSM.
type = The Runner Worker type to use. Currently supports docker+machine or docker or docker-autoscaler.
environment_variables = optional(list(string), [])
max_jobs = optional(number, 0)
output_limit = optional(number, 4096)
request_concurrency = optional(number, 1)
ssm_access = optional(bool, false)
type = optional(string, "docker+machine")
{} no
runner_worker_cache Configuration to control the creation of the cache bucket. By default the bucket will be created and used as shared
cache. To use the same cache across multiple Runner Worker disable the creation of the cache and provide a policy and
bucket name. See the public runner example for more details."

For detailed documentation check https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runnerscaches3-section

access_log_bucker_id = The ID of the bucket where the access logs are stored.
access_log_bucket_prefix = The bucket prefix for the access logs.
authentication_type = A string that declares the AuthenticationType for [runners.cache.s3]. Can either be 'iam' or 'credentials'
bucket = Name of the cache bucket. Requires create = false.
bucket_prefix = Prefix for s3 cache bucket name. Requires create = true.
create = Boolean used to enable or disable the creation of the cache bucket.
create_aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block = Boolean used to enable or disable the creation of the public access block for the cache bucket. Useful when organizations do not allow the creation of public access blocks on individual buckets (e.g. public access is blocked on all buckets at the organization level).
expiration_days = Number of days before cache objects expire. Requires create = true.
include_account_id = Boolean used to include the account id in the cache bucket name. Requires create = true.
policy = Policy to use for the cache bucket. Requires create = false.
random_suffix = Boolean used to enable or disable the use of a random string suffix on the cache bucket name. Requires create = true.
shared = Boolean used to enable or disable the use of the cache bucket as shared cache.
versioning = Boolean used to enable versioning on the cache bucket. Requires create = true.
access_log_bucket_id = optional(string, null)
access_log_bucket_prefix = optional(string, null)
authentication_type = optional(string, "iam")
bucket = optional(string, "")
bucket_prefix = optional(string, "")
create = optional(bool, true)
create_aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block = optional(bool, true)
expiration_days = optional(number, 1)
include_account_id = optional(bool, true)
policy = optional(string, "")
random_suffix = optional(bool, false)
shared = optional(bool, false)
versioning = optional(bool, false)
{} no
runner_worker_docker_add_dind_volumes Add certificates and docker.sock to the volumes to support docker-in-docker (dind) bool false no
runner_worker_docker_autoscaler fleeting_plugin_version = The version of aws fleeting plugin
connector_config_user = User to connect to worker machine
key_pair_name = The name of the key pair used by the Runner to connect to the docker-machine Runner Workers. This variable is only supported when enables is set to true.
capacity_per_instance = The number of jobs that can be executed concurrently by a single instance.
max_use_count = Max job number that can run on a worker
update_interval = The interval to check with the fleeting plugin for instance updates.
update_interval_when_expecting = The interval to check with the fleeting plugin for instance updates when expecting a state change.
fleeting_plugin_version = optional(string, "1.0.0")
connector_config_user = optional(string, "ec2-user")
key_pair_name = optional(string, "runner-worker-key")
capacity_per_instance = optional(number, 1)
max_use_count = optional(number, 100)
update_interval = optional(string, "1m")
update_interval_when_expecting = optional(string, "2s")
{} no
runner_worker_docker_autoscaler_ami_filter List of maps used to create the AMI filter for the Runner Worker. map(list(string))
"name": [
runner_worker_docker_autoscaler_ami_owners The list of owners used to select the AMI of the Runner Worker. list(string)
runner_worker_docker_autoscaler_asg enable_mixed_instances_policy = Make use of autoscaling-group mixed_instances_policy capacities to leverage pools and spot instances.
health_check_grace_period = Time (in seconds) after instance comes into service before checking health
health_check_type = Controls how health checking is done. Values are - EC2 and ELB
instance_refresh_min_healthy_percentage = The amount of capacity in the Auto Scaling group that must remain healthy during an instance refresh to allow the operation to continue, as a percentage of the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group.
instance_refresh_triggers = Set of additional property names that will trigger an Instance Refresh. A refresh will always be triggered by a change in any of launch_configuration, launch_template, or mixed_instances_policy.
max_growth_rate = The maximum number of machines that can be added to the runner in parallel.
on_demand_base_capacity = Absolute minimum amount of desired capacity that must be fulfilled by on-demand instances.
on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = Percentage split between on-demand and Spot instances above the base on-demand capacity.
override_instance_types = List to override the instance type in the Launch Template. Allow to spread spot instances on several types, to reduce interruptions
profile_name = profile_name = Name of the IAM profile to attach to the Runner Workers.
sg_ingresses = Extra security group rule for workers
spot_allocation_strategy = How to allocate capacity across the Spot pools. 'lowest-price' to optimize cost, 'capacity-optimized' to reduce interruptions
spot_instance_pools = Number of Spot pools per availability zone to allocate capacity. EC2 Auto Scaling selects the cheapest Spot pools and evenly allocates Spot capacity across the number of Spot pools that you specify.
subnet_ids = The list of subnet IDs to use for the Runner Worker when the fleet mode is enabled.
types = The type of instance to use for the Runner Worker. In case of fleet mode, multiple instance types are supported.
upgrade_strategy = Auto deploy new instances when launch template changes. Can be either 'bluegreen', 'rolling' or 'off'
enabled_metrics = List of metrics to collect.
enable_mixed_instances_policy = optional(bool, false)
health_check_grace_period = optional(number, 300)
health_check_type = optional(string, "EC2")
instance_refresh_min_healthy_percentage = optional(number, 90)
instance_refresh_triggers = optional(list(string), [])
max_growth_rate = optional(number, 0)
on_demand_base_capacity = optional(number, 0)
on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = optional(number, 100)
profile_name = optional(string, "")
spot_allocation_strategy = optional(string, "lowest-price")
spot_instance_pools = optional(number, 2)
subnet_ids = optional(list(string), [])
types = optional(list(string), ["m5.large"])
upgrade_strategy = optional(string, "rolling")
enabled_metrics = optional(list(string), [])
sg_ingresses = optional(list(object({
description = string
from_port = number
to_port = number
protocol = string
cidr_blocks = list(string)
})), [])
{} no
runner_worker_docker_autoscaler_autoscaling_options Set autoscaling parameters based on periods, see https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runnersautoscalerpolicy-sections
periods = list(string)
timezone = optional(string, "UTC")
idle_count = optional(number)
idle_time = optional(string)
scale_factor = optional(number)
scale_factor_limit = optional(number, 0)
[] no
runner_worker_docker_autoscaler_instance ebs_optimized = Enable EBS optimization for the Runner Worker.
http_tokens = Whether or not the metadata service requires session tokens
http_put_response_hop_limit = The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests. The larger the number, the further instance metadata requests can travel.
monitoring = Enable detailed monitoring for the Runner Worker.
private_address_only = Restrict Runner Worker to the use of a private IP address. If runner_instance.use_private_address_only is set to true (default),
root_device_name = The name of the root volume for the Runner Worker.
root_size = The size of the root volume for the Runner Worker.
start_script = Cloud-init user data that will be passed to the Runner Worker. Should not be base64 encrypted.
volume_type = The type of volume to use for the Runner Worker. gp2, gp3, io1 or io2 are supported
volume_iops = Guaranteed IOPS for the volume. Only supported when using gp3, io1 or io2 as volume_type.
volume_throughput = Throughput in MB/s for the volume. Only supported when using gp3 as volume_type.
ebs_optimized = optional(bool, true)
http_tokens = optional(string, "required")
http_put_response_hop_limit = optional(number, 2)
monitoring = optional(bool, false)
private_address_only = optional(bool, true)
root_device_name = optional(string, "/dev/sda1")
root_size = optional(number, 8)
start_script = optional(string, "")
volume_type = optional(string, "gp2")
volume_throughput = optional(number, 125)
volume_iops = optional(number, 3000)
{} no
runner_worker_docker_autoscaler_role additional_tags = Map of tags that will be added to the Runner Worker.
assume_role_policy_json = Assume role policy for the Runner Worker.
policy_arns = List of ARNs of IAM policies to attach to the Runner Workers.
profile_name = Name of the IAM profile to attach to the Runner Workers.
additional_tags = optional(map(string), {})
assume_role_policy_json = optional(string, "")
policy_arns = optional(list(string), [])
profile_name = optional(string, "")
{} no
runner_worker_docker_machine_ami_filter List of maps used to create the AMI filter for the Runner Worker. map(list(string))
"name": [
runner_worker_docker_machine_ami_owners The list of owners used to select the AMI of the Runner Worker. list(string)
runner_worker_docker_machine_autoscaling_options Set autoscaling parameters based on periods, see https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runnersmachine-section
periods = list(string)
idle_count = optional(number)
idle_scale_factor = optional(number)
idle_count_min = optional(number)
idle_time = optional(number)
timezone = optional(string, "UTC")
[] no
runner_worker_docker_machine_ec2_metadata_options Enable the Runner Worker metadata service. Requires you use CKI maintained docker machines.
http_tokens = string
http_put_response_hop_limit = number
"http_put_response_hop_limit": 2,
"http_tokens": "required"
runner_worker_docker_machine_ec2_options List of additional options for the docker+machine config. Each element of this list must be a key=value pair. E.g. '["amazonec2-zone=a"]' list(string) [] no
runner_worker_docker_machine_extra_egress_rules List of egress rules for the Runner Workers.
cidr_blocks = list(string)
ipv6_cidr_blocks = list(string)
prefix_list_ids = list(string)
from_port = number
protocol = string
security_groups = list(string)
self = bool
to_port = number
description = string
"cidr_blocks": [
"description": "Allow all egress traffic for Runner Workers.",
"from_port": 0,
"ipv6_cidr_blocks": [
"prefix_list_ids": null,
"protocol": "-1",
"security_groups": null,
"self": null,
"to_port": 0
runner_worker_docker_machine_fleet enable = Activates the fleet mode on the Runner. https://gitlab.com/cki-project/docker-machine/-/blob/v0.16.2-gitlab.19-cki.2/docs/drivers/aws.md#fleet-mode
key_pair_name = The name of the key pair used by the Runner to connect to the docker-machine Runner Workers. This variable is only supported when enables is set to true.
enable = bool
key_pair_name = optional(string, "fleet-key")
"enable": false
runner_worker_docker_machine_instance For detailed documentation check https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runnersmachine-section

docker_registry_mirror_url = The URL of the Docker registry mirror to use for the Runner Worker.
destroy_after_max_builds = Destroy the instance after the maximum number of builds has been reached.
ebs_optimized = Enable EBS optimization for the Runner Worker.
idle_count = Number of idle Runner Worker instances (not working for the Docker Runner Worker) (IdleCount).
idle_time = Idle time of the Runner Worker before they are destroyed (not working for the Docker Runner Worker) (IdleTime).
max_growth_rate = The maximum number of machines that can be added to the runner in parallel.
monitoring = Enable detailed monitoring for the Runner Worker.
name_prefix = Set the name prefix and override the Name tag for the Runner Worker.
private_address_only = Restrict Runner Worker to the use of a private IP address. If runner_instance.use_private_address_only is set to true (default), runner_worker_docker_machine_instance.private_address_only will also apply for the Runner.
root_device_name = The name of the root volume for the Runner Worker.
root_size = The size of the root volume for the Runner Worker.
start_script = Cloud-init user data that will be passed to the Runner Worker. Should not be base64 encrypted.
subnet_ids = The list of subnet IDs to use for the Runner Worker when the fleet mode is enabled.
types = The type of instance to use for the Runner Worker. In case of fleet mode, multiple instance types are supported.
volume_type = The type of volume to use for the Runner Worker. gp2, gp3, io1 or io2 are supported.
volume_throughput = Throughput in MB/s for the volume. Only supported when using gp3 as volume_type.
volume_iops = Guaranteed IOPS for the volume. Only supported when using gp3, io1 or io2 as volume_type.
destroy_after_max_builds = optional(number, 0)
docker_registry_mirror_url = optional(string, "")
ebs_optimized = optional(bool, true)
idle_count = optional(number, 0)
idle_time = optional(number, 600)
max_growth_rate = optional(number, 0)
monitoring = optional(bool, false)
name_prefix = optional(string, "")
private_address_only = optional(bool, true)
root_device_name = optional(string, "/dev/sda1")
root_size = optional(number, 8)
start_script = optional(string, "")
subnet_ids = optional(list(string), [])
types = optional(list(string), ["m5.large"])
volume_type = optional(string, "gp2")
volume_throughput = optional(number, 125)
volume_iops = optional(number, 3000)
{} no
runner_worker_docker_machine_instance_spot enable = Enable spot instances for the Runner Worker.
max_price = The maximum price willing to pay. By default the price is limited by the current on demand price for the instance type chosen.
enable = optional(bool, true)
max_price = optional(string, "on-demand-price")
{} no
runner_worker_docker_machine_role additional_tags = Map of tags that will be added to the Runner Worker.
assume_role_policy_json = Assume role policy for the Runner Worker.
policy_arns = List of ARNs of IAM policies to attach to the Runner Workers.
profile_name = Name of the IAM profile to attach to the Runner Workers.
additional_tags = optional(map(string), {})
assume_role_policy_json = optional(string, "")
policy_arns = optional(list(string), [])
profile_name = optional(string, "")
{} no
runner_worker_docker_machine_security_group_description A description for the Runner Worker security group string "A security group containing Runner Worker instances" no
runner_worker_docker_options Options added to the [runners.docker] section of config.toml to configure the Docker container of the Runner Worker. For
details check https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html

Default values if the option is not given:
disable_cache = "false"
image = "docker:18.03.1-ce"
privileged = "true"
pull_policy = "always"
shm_size = 0
tls_verify = "false"
volumes = "/cache"
allowed_images = optional(list(string))
allowed_pull_policies = optional(list(string))
allowed_services = optional(list(string))
cache_dir = optional(string)
cap_add = optional(list(string))
cap_drop = optional(list(string))
container_labels = optional(list(string))
cpuset_cpus = optional(string)
cpu_shares = optional(number)
cpus = optional(string)
devices = optional(list(string))
device_cgroup_rules = optional(list(string))
disable_cache = optional(bool, false)
disable_entrypoint_overwrite = optional(bool)
dns = optional(list(string))
dns_search = optional(list(string))
extra_hosts = optional(list(string))
gpus = optional(string)
helper_image = optional(string)
helper_image_flavor = optional(string)
host = optional(string)
hostname = optional(string)
image = optional(string, "docker:18.03.1-ce")
isolation = optional(string)
links = optional(list(string))
mac_address = optional(string)
memory = optional(string)
memory_swap = optional(string)
memory_reservation = optional(string)
network_mode = optional(string)
oom_kill_disable = optional(bool)
oom_score_adjust = optional(number)
privileged = optional(bool, true)
pull_policies = optional(list(string), ["always"])
runtime = optional(string)
security_opt = optional(list(string))
shm_size = optional(number, 0)
sysctls = optional(list(string))
tls_cert_path = optional(string)
tls_verify = optional(bool, false)
user = optional(string)
userns_mode = optional(string)
volumes = optional(list(string), ["/cache"])
volumes_from = optional(list(string))
volume_driver = optional(string)
wait_for_services_timeout = optional(number)
"disable_cache": "false",
"image": "docker:18.03.1-ce",
"privileged": "true",
"pull_policies": [
"shm_size": 0,
"tls_verify": "false",
"volumes": [
runner_worker_docker_services Starts additional services with the Docker container. All fields must be set (examine the Dockerfile of the service image for the entrypoint - see ./examples/runner-default/main.tf)
name = string
alias = string
entrypoint = list(string)
command = list(string)
[] no
runner_worker_docker_services_volumes_tmpfs Mount a tmpfs in gitlab service container. https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/docker.html#mounting-a-directory-in-ram
volume = string
options = string
[] no
runner_worker_docker_volumes_tmpfs Mount a tmpfs in Executor container. https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/docker.html#mounting-a-directory-in-ram
volume = string
options = string
[] no
runner_worker_gitlab_pipeline post_build_script = Script to execute in the pipeline just after the build, but before executing after_script.
pre_build_script = Script to execute in the pipeline just before the build.
pre_clone_script = Script to execute in the pipeline before cloning the Git repository. this can be used to adjust the Git client configuration first, for example.
post_build_script = optional(string, """")
pre_build_script = optional(string, """")
pre_clone_script = optional(string, """")
{} no
security_group_prefix Set the name prefix and overwrite the Name tag for all security groups. string "" no
subnet_id Subnet id used for the Runner and Runner Workers. Must belong to the vpc_id. In case the fleet mode is used, multiple subnets for
the Runner Workers can be provided with runner_worker_docker_machine_instance.subnet_ids.
string n/a yes
suppressed_tags List of tag keys which are automatically removed and never added as default tag by the module. list(string) [] no
tags Map of tags that will be added to created resources. By default resources will be tagged with name and environment. map(string) {} no
vpc_id The VPC used for the runner and runner workers. string n/a yes


Name Description
runner_agent_role_arn ARN of the role used for the ec2 instance for the GitLab runner agent.
runner_agent_role_name Name of the role used for the ec2 instance for the GitLab runner agent.
runner_agent_sg_id ID of the security group attached to the GitLab runner agent.
runner_as_group_name Name of the autoscaling group for the gitlab-runner instance
runner_cache_bucket_arn ARN of the S3 for the build cache.
runner_cache_bucket_name Name of the S3 for the build cache.
runner_eip EIP of the Gitlab Runner
runner_launch_template_name The name of the runner's launch template.
runner_role_arn ARN of the role used for the docker machine runners.
runner_role_name Name of the role used for the docker machine runners.
runner_sg_id ID of the security group attached to the docker machine runners.