Product Manager Interview Questions

This is a collection of interview questions that I have consolidated during my preparation while interviewing as Product Manager. I have collected these questions from different sources like Glassdoor and other sites.

Why Product Management?
How do you define Product Management?
What aspects of Product Management do you find the least interesting?
What makes for a good product manager?
How would you explain Product Management to a 5 year old?
What is your current role on your team: who else do you work with and in what capacity?
How do you decide what to build?
How do you interact with your users?
What are top 3 things a Product Managers contributes?
Which parts of the (broadly-defined) Product Management role do you truly excel in? Which parts are your weaknesses?
How do you balance the demands of strategic activities versus the tactical?
For your current company, who are your competitors? How are your competitors and your company positioned within the market?
For your current company, what are your product's strengths and weaknesses?
How do you get engineering to listen to you, given that Product Management has no official authority?
What does it take to become a successful Product Manager?

How do you spend your time on a daily/weekly manner?
Describe a typical work week
How well do you plan your day?
What are the different jobs that take up most of your time in a typical day?
Describe the pace at which you work on a daily basis.
Do you enjoy your job?
Typical Work day routine


What do you think of the industry that I'm in?
We're thinking about expanding into XYZ, should we?

Product development ( Technology )

What product development process would you use?
What development methodology do you prefer?
When is it appropriate to use agile? Waterfall?
How would you assess the technical design proposed by engineering?
What would your process be for ensuring product quality?
How have you worked with engineers in your current/previous roles?
What software development methods have you used?
What's a cool innovation that you've seen lately? Why?

Product Design

How would you acquire more users for Uber?
How will you design Uber for kids?
How will you go about starting a bike rental marketplace?
How would you design sunglasses for babies?
How would you design a grocery store for senior citizens?
How would you redesign your shower?
Choose a product you like. Why do you like it? How would you improve it? Now if you were a competitor, how would you win against this product?