
Dockerfile and basic scripts and data

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OceanDSL Interview Graph

We conducted several interviews in context of the OceanDSL project to understand the socio-technical domain of ocean modelling and the research and development processes. We analyzed the interviews with a Thematic Analysis approach. One ouput of this approach is a thematic map containing codes and themes. We also included categories in this graph as 'sub-themes' to better handle the complexity of the analysis.

This git-project contains the raw data of the thematic map and the necessary files to view them in a web browser. Unfortunately, a web browsers block access from HTML files to other files on the local machine for security reasons. Therefore, we bundled our view and data files with a Docker setup which makes is fairly easy to run on any machine as a small web server. Below we describe how these files can be used either with an existing web server or our Docker image.

Docker based Setup

Clone the content of the repository:

git clone https://github.com/cau-se/oceandsl-interview-graph.git

Change to the oceandsl-interview-graph directory.

cd oceandsl-interview-graph

Build the docker image with the name ta-oceandsl (of course you can choose another name):

docker build -t ta-oceandsl .

Run docker image (make sure to use the same name here):

docker run -dit --name my-running-app -p 8080:80 ta-oceandsl

Access the thematic map in the browser with:


Using existing Web Server Setup

Either your setup of the webserver provides a user based public-html directory, then you can place the content of the graph directory there, or you copy the content the the web server document folder, e.g., /usr/apache2/htdocs/. Please note that the directories may be different on your machine. Place all three files from the graph directory of the repository in one location then all should work perfectly.