
RGB, HSL, HSV, HWB, ... color models transforms

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Color transforms between RGB, HSL, HSV and HWB, and more

npm version build status coverage status


naming convention:

  • foo2bar: input and output are in [0, 1]
  • fooToBar: natural ranges: hues in [0, 360[, r/g/b in [0, 255], saturation/value/lightness in [0, 100]

The default export is a proxy, there are also direct functions available


import colorTf from 'color-tf';
import hsl2hsv from 'color-tf/hsl2hsv';

colorTf.hslToRgb(200, 95, 62); // [ 66, 189, 250 ]
console.assert(hsl2hsv === colorTf.hsl2hsv);