
Mockingbird-Jetpack is an experimental Mozilla Jetpack extension that displays tweets related to the the content of the Firefox tab/document a user currently on. NOTE: This no longer works as it was written for an outdated version of Mozilla-Jetpack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Copyright (c) 2009 Chad Auld (opensourcepenguin.net) Licensed under the MIT license

Mockingbird-Jetpack README

Mockingbird-Jetpack is an open source/experimental Mozilla Jetpack extension that displays tweets (Twitter messages) related to the the content of the Firefox tab/document a user currently on. This started as a port of Mockingbird. The installation page is located here.

The idea is simple really, open any page on the Internet and if you are interested in seeing what others are saying about related topics then just fire up Mockingbird and let it do the work for you. It should prove useful for finding opinions, links, images, etc.


  1. Install Mozilla Jetpack
  2. Navigate to the main Mockingbird-Jetpack page and install the jetpack.
  3. To use, simply click on the new blue bird icon located on the bottom right hand corner of Firefox.


  1. Mockingbird-Jetpack uses the Yahoo! Query Language (YQL) to get the contents of the web page that it was activated on
  2. The page content is them passed to the Yahoo! Term Extraction Web Service which helps identify and rank keywords
  3. The top 3 page keyword terms are then used to to construct a search against Twitter and display the latest results
  4. That same search will continue to refresh once per minute until you have closed Mockingbird

NOTE: Being that Mockingbird makes use of these 3rd party services please make sure you have read and understood their TOS agreements.


  1. Move from a backend PHP proxy script to a Yahoo! pipe. Currently in progress, pipe located at http://pipes.yahoo.com/chadauld/related_tweets_since.
  2. Rethink the Mockingbird div fixed position approach. It would be best if the Mockingbird code was in an independent overlay per tab which could always be positioned over the tab document. The jetpack sidebar could be an option, but would need a way to adjust the sidebar per tab. More research required. Flash and/or other positioned elements on a page currently present an overlap issue when sharing the same screen space as Mockingbird-Jetpack.
  3. Remove dependancy on the Yahoo! Term Extraction Web Service since it is going away.
  4. Get a real logo. As you can tell my graphics skills are limited :)