CausalCity: Complex Simulations with Agency for Causal Discovery and Reasoning

This is the official code repository to accompany the paper "CausalCity: Complex Simulations with Agency for Causal Discovery and Reasoning". Here we provide python code for generating and logging scenarios using the simulation environment as well as links to the baseline code used for running our experiments.

Data Download:

Location Files (size - 435MB) -

Image, Segmentation and Location Files (size - 82GB) -

Location Files (size - 19MB) -

Generate Your Own Data:

To generate your own scenarios you need to create a JSON configuration file that defines those scenarios.

code/ ( provides an example of how to programmatically create scenarios - which is useful if you want to define 100s or 1000s of scenarios. code/scenarioOutput.json ( shows an example of the JSON output that is generated.

Scenario configurations have the following form:

        "Name": "Scenario_1",
        "Vehicles": [
                "Id": "Car_1",
                "Spawn": "C0w",
                "SpawnAtDistance": 0,
                "DriveQueue": [
                "MergeAtDistances": [

Controlling Environment Variables

Environmental variables that can act as confounders in a dataset can be controlled using the AirSim APIs. Some of these variable impact the visual appearance of the scene, while others will also impact the trajectories of the vehicles.

AirSim Documentation:


client.simSetWeatherParameter(airsim.WeatherParameter.Rain, 0.25);

class WeatherParameter:
    Rain = 0
    Roadwetness = 1
    Snow = 2
    RoadSnow = 3
    MapleLeaf = 4
    RoadLeaf = 5
    Dust = 6
    Fog = 7

Time of Day:

simSetTimeOfDay(self, is_enabled, start_datetime = "", is_start_datetime_dst = False, celestial_clock_speed = 1, update_interval_secs = 60, move_sun = True)