Before we merge data sets, we performed gentle Q/C steps to remove "empty" features (genes) in the following criteria:
the standard deviation across cells
$<$ 0.01 -
the mean expression
$<$ 1e-4 -
the number of non-zero cells
$<$ 10
We built a quite large data set consisting of gene expression vectors across 2.4M cells measured on 26k+ features
- Constructed pseudobulk expression matrix (gene x samples/individuals/
) - Perform sample by sample quantile normalization to values generated by standard normal distribution, namely
$N(0,1)$ - For each chromosome, adjust non-genetic effects on the genes located in the chrososome by taking top 50 principal components estimated by genes in the other chromosomes (leaving one chrososome out at a time, LOCO)
We can partition the samples into two groups to carry out condition-specific eQTL analysis:
We can match AD vs. non-AD cells and selectively remove putative confounding factors present in both types of cells derived from AD and non-AD samples:
We can also remove individual-level confounding factors by matching cells between individuals:
Naming convention:
How to extract gene expression vectors:
$ tabix Mic/Mic_AD_all.bed.gz 19:45409000-45410000 -h | cut -f 1-10
We can retrieve genes by their chromosome name and approximate locations (e.g., LD block):
#chromosome_name tss tes ensembl_gene_id hgnc_symbol 11409232_Mic 11336574_Mic 10260309_Mic 10248033_Mic 20207013_Mic
19 45409011 45412650 ENSG00000130203 APOE -0.00219808405473058 0.0633145290915309 0.28734561628366 0.123355747962476 0.264699779472434
: chromosome name (between 1 and 22) -
: transcription start site (the left most location inhg19
) -
: transcription end site (the right most location inhg19
) -
: ENSEMBL gene ID -
: human-readable gene symbol -
: many samples