Application - Github List

The purpose of this application is to allow users to fetch user and repositories data from github via a REST api.

Hosted at "" the API has 5 endpoints.
That can be known as showed in the resources below:







  • /apigithub/user/

This resource retrieves a user and returns its username, github url and github id. It must be called through GET method using application/json in the body.

HTTP body application/json example:

{ "username":"cavalcantegb" }

  • /apigithub/users/

This resource lists users and returns them with pagination. It must be called through GET method using application/json in the body.

HTTP body application/json example:

{ "page":1, "per_page":3 }

  • /apigithub/repos/

This resource provides the repos from a specific user. It must be called through GET method using application/json in the body.

HTTP body application/json example:

{ "username":"cavalcantegb" }

  • /apigithub/user-repos/

This resource retrieves from our database all users and their github repos. This resource must be called through GET method. It will accept an array of users as shown below in the example.

  • /apigithub/user-repos-populate/

This resource receives a list of users and save them in the database with their respectives repositories. This resource must be called through POST method using application/json in the body. It will accept an array of users as shown below in the example.

HTTP body application/json example:

{ "users" : [ {"user":"cavalcantegb"} ] }