
Primary LanguageFortran

bspci2e Package

This package is designed to compute atomic structures and dipole matrix elements for 1-electron and 2-electron systems, and to perform time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) calculations.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Structure
  2. Installation and Library Setup
  3. Compilation of Executables
  4. Execution Commands

Project Structure

The directory tree for the bspci2e package is organized as follows:

bspci2e/               # Main directory
├── src/               # Source code and compilation configuration
├── lib/               # Package libraries (libnag.a, libslatec.a)
├── bin/               # Binaries (executables)
└── run/               # Execution directories
    ├── he/            # Atomic structure and TDSE calculation directory
    │   ├── bin/       # Soft link to ../../bin (executables)
    │   ├── inp/       # Input files for atomic structure (h1e.inp, cfg-0.inp, cfg-1.inp, r12.inp)
    │   ├── dat/       # Atomic structure data files
    │   ├── out/       # Output files (ASCII)
    │   ├── tinp/      # TDSE input files (pulse.inp, tdse_bs.inp)
    │   ├── tdat/      # TDSE data files
    │   ├── tout/      # TDSE output files (ASCII)
    │   └── log/       # Log files

Installation and Library Setup


Ensure the following libraries are installed on your system:

  • Lapack & openBLAS:

    sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev
    sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev
  • NetCDF Fortran Interface:

    sudo apt-get install libnetcdff-dev

Compilation of External Libraries

Slatec Library

  1. Expand the libslatec.tgs archive.
  2. Compile the Slatec library:
    gfortran -O2 -c *.f
    ar cst libslatec.a *.o
  3. Move the generated library into the ./lib directory:
    mv libslatec.a ./lib/

Nag17 Library

  1. Extract the libnag.tar.gz archive in ./lib (this should be included in the repo).
  2. Compile and build the Nag library:
    cd libnag/scripts
  3. Move the generated library into the ./lib directory:
    mv libnag.a ./lib/

Compilation of Executables

  1. Navigate to the source directory:

    cd ./src
  2. Clean previous builds:

    make clean cleanlib
  3. Compile the libraries:

    make lib
  4. Generate the executables:

    • For 1-electron and 2-electron atomic structure calculations:
      make fxd_exe
    • For TDSE calculations:
      make tdse_exe

    The compiled executables will be placed in the ./bin directory.

  5. Set up symbolic links for execution:

    • Navigate to the run/{quantum_system}/{specific_run_folder} directory and create a symbolic link to the bin folder:
      # These commands can vary depending on how many directories deep into the run folder you are executing want to execute your runs from
      # The assumption is that you will run simulations from ./run/{helium_or_qdot}/{specific_run_folder}, so 2 levels deeper into ./run
      # It should not matter where you run from once you create symbolic links back to ./bin and ./scr (hopefully, if the codebase isn't too flawed)
      cd ./run/he/{run_name(anything)}
      ln -s ../../../bin 
      ln -s ../../../scr

Execution Commands

1-electron Structure and Dipole Matrix

To calculate the 1-electron structure and dipole matrix elements (h1e):

  1. Diagonalize the h1e Hamiltonian and calculate dipole matrix elements for l = 0 to 7:
    bin/run-h1e.scr 0 7 bin

2-electron Structure and Dipole Matrix

For 2-electron structure and dipole matrix elements (h2e):

  1. Calculate 1/r_12 matrix elements for h2e with L = 0, 1, 2, 3:

    bin/Rv2eb 0 > out/v2eb-L0.out
    bin/Rv2eb 1 > out/v2eb-L1.out
    bin/Rv2eb 2 > out/v2eb-L2.out
    bin/Rv2eb 3 > out/v2eb-L3.out
  2. Diagonalize the h2e Hamiltonian for L = 0, 1, 2, 3:

    bin/Rh2eb 0 > out/h2eb-L0.out
    bin/Rh2eb 1 > out/h2eb-L1.out
    bin/Rh2eb 2 > out/h2eb-L2.out
    bin/Rh2eb 3 > out/h2eb-L3.out
  3. Select the 1000 lower-energy states from the h2e diagonalization:

    bin/Rw2eb 0 1500 > out/w2eb-0-1500.out
    bin/Rw2eb 1 1500 > out/w2eb-1-1500.out
    bin/Rw2eb 2 1500 > out/w2eb-2-1500.out
    bin/Rw2eb 3 1500 > out/w2eb-3-1500.out
  4. Calculate 2-electron dipole matrix elements:

    bin/Rd2eb 0 v he > out/d2eb-01-v.out
    bin/Rd2eb 1 v he > out/d2eb-12-v.out
    bin/Rd2eb 2 v he > out/d2eb-23-v.out
    • (Optional, for length gauge):
      bin/Rd2eb 0 l he > out/d2eb-01-l.out
      bin/Rd2eb 1 l he > out/d2eb-12-l.out
  5. Convert dipole matrix elements to dmx files in NetCDF format:

    bin/Rncf 0 3 v 0
    • (Optional, if length gauge dipole matrix elements were calculated):
      bin/Rncf 0 2 l 0

TDSE Calculations

To perform TDSE calculations, ensure you have the correct input files (tinp/tdse_bs.inp and tinp/field.inp):

  1. Run the TDSE calculation:

This document provides a complete guide to setting up, compiling, and executing the bspci2e package for atomic structure and TDSE calculations.