
Convert from LF to CRLF and vice-versa

Primary LanguageVBScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Convert from LF to CRLF and vice-versa


Table of Contents


Just grab a copy of this script and store in on your computer.


Start a DOS prompt, go in the folder where you've save the script and run it like, f.i.,

cscript convert.vbs C:\Data TXT CRLF


cscript convert.vbs . TXT CRLF

The script ask three parameters:

  1. The folder to process. Specify a folder or just type a dot (.) for the current folder,
  2. The extension of files to process. If you wish to process every .txt files, just type TXT (case insensitive),
  3. Then the desired line endings. If you wish that all files have Windows line endings, type CRLF. If a file is with Unix line endings, the file will be converted and rewrite. If you wish the opposite, type LF for the third parameter.

Note: the script contains a SILENT_MODE constant; the default value is false. If you wish that the script does his job silently, update the constant like this:

Const SILENT_MODE = false


Part of this script is based on the work of Stephen Millard
