
😈 Coerce the digits of an input value to a user-friendly value, taking care not to exceed range.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A way to safely give programmatically-generated decimal values a little flare! 💅

🚀 getting started

This package will coerce the digits of an input value to the nearest user-friendly decimal value, whilst taking care not to exceed caller-defined bounds.

You can download coolnumber from npm:

yarn add coolnumber

✍️ usage

It's super easy to use coolnumber, maybe even too easy, so please take care to specify the max and min values if used in a financial applications to prevent your users from getting rekt. If your value cannot be coerced to a coolnumber, it will be returned equal to the original input value but formatted to the requested precision, which defaults in wei.

import {coolnumber} from 'coolnumber';

  min: '1',
  max: undefined,
  value: '1',
  coolNumbers: ['69', '420'],
  precision: 2,
}); // 1.69 😈

  value: '15',
  min: '1',
  coolNumbers: ['1559'],
  precision: 2,
}); // 15.59 🔥

🦄 types

Parameter Type Default
value BigDecimalish undefined
max? BigDecimalish undefined
min? BigDecimalish undefined
precision? number 18
coolNumbers? readonly (string | number)[] [69, 420]

✌️ license