React Native Basement defines a way to easily cache remote dependencies, whether they're images, JSON or raw file content. Using the useBasement
hook, extensible declarative resource caching is a breeze. 🌊
Caching support is a little patchy in React Native. For example, there's iOS-only support for the Image component, or dedicated libraries for specific kinds of content.
If you're only interested in caching images, I'd suggest taking a look at react-native-cached-image. If you're interested in caching anything else, such as SVGs or Lottie Animations, then this project is your friend! (Yes, it does images too, just not as optimally by comparison!)
yarn add react-native-basement # or npm i -s react-native-basement
That's about it! Please check out the Getting Started guide for integration details. There's also an included Example App.