
An extendible React <Component/> which will attempt to render source content consistently, based on the MIME type.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An extendible React <Component/> which will attempt to render source content consistently, based on the MIME type.

🚀 Getting Started

Using npm:

yarn add react-native-uri-box

Using yarn:

yarn add react-native-uri-box

✍️ Example

Just use this as a drop-in component for your remote content:

import UriBox, { LookUpTable } from 'react-native-uri-box';
import Video from 'react-native-video';

const App = () => (
      flex: 1,
      // XXX: The content type is determined from the source.
      uri: 'http://www.cawfree.com/mapsy/img/mapsy.jpg',
      // XXX: The lookUpTable can be used to add support for
      //      additional MIME types.
      ['video/mp4']: ({ ...extraProps }) => (

📌 Prop Types

Property Type Required Default value Description
Component custom no View Defines the parent for your content. As an example, you could pass an <Animated.View to permit animation.
LoadingComponent custom no ActivityIndicator What to render whilst loading.
UnsupportedComponent custom no <See the source code> What to render if the requested MIME type is not supported.
style shape no styles.container Parent component styling. The dynamic contents will be sized to fill this .
source union no null What source to render; expects an object with a single key uri.
lookUpTable shape no <See the source code> Defines the table of mappings to determine which components are used for which MIME types.

✌️ License


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