
Small telegram bot to spam every message of people there :p

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Have you ever wanted to spam someone?

Table of Contents

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This project was made to target people and spam them. It's a telegram bot you can give targets to spam on group chats. It works like this: You give the bot a target(victim) and some messages for that victim. He will make a list with those messages you give to him and then you add it to a group chat where your target is active, as soon as the bot sees a victim's message he will pick a random message from that victim's list he created with the messages given and reply to the target´s messages with the random reply picked by the bot.

WARNING NOTE: Due to the nature of this bot it's easy to annoy people and whole groups with this. I do not take responsability for any damage made with this code and please be careful. Remember: you can delete victims and completely turn off the bot by talking to the bot in a private message.

Right now the deployed versión of this bot only accepts commands from me, but if you want to deploy it by yourself so it only listens to you then follow the steps on getting started and motivation.

Tools used

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  • Node.Js: For the JS coding of the bot.
  • Botgram: As the wrapper for the telegram API (you can fin it here).
  • dotenv: To load the .env file variables into the process enviroment.
  • Express: For a webserver that can check the bot.


I had one of those fights with someone on telegram when we both ended up spamming "no u" to one another. Because of if I thought of making this bot so I could win said fight and also spam other people.

Getting Started

If you want to deploy this bot by yourself first you need to prepare a few things. First of all the bot needs three enviroment variables to work. Since one of the npm modules the project requires is "dotenv" then you can create a file called .env with the variables there and they will be loaded. If you don't want to do that you can add those variables later in any other way you want.

Env Variables

Now, the env variables you need are the "username" of your @username on telegram, you would give that value to a variable called ADMIN, the port you want the webserver to run in a variable called PORT and an api token telegram will give you for your bot. Before you go for the api key remember the name of the env variable is TELEGRAM.

Telegram Api Key

On telegram search for @BotFather and talk to him. type /help if you don't know what to do. Here you can make your bot, he will ask you for some info of the bot and then it will give you the Api key. If you want to give your bot a description, image, etc. Then here you can also do that.

Clone or Download this repo

Now is when you clone/download this repo, make a folder for it and save it there, if you already made the .env file then save it in the same folder where the bot.js file is (or create said file here).

Make sure you have node

Before you begin make sure you have node and npm installed in your sistem. You can do it by typing:

node -v
npm -v

Those two commands should print you the versión of those programs you have installed. If you don't see it then make sure you install Node.Js on your system.

Install Modules

We are almost done, last thing we have to do before deployment is to add the required node modules, to do that you need to open a console in the path where you cloned/downloaded the repo and type:

npm install

npm will download and install all the modules required for the project in a folder called node_modules. This can take a few seconds, but after it you are ready to deploy.


Now to deploy, please remember to add the env variables to your console or operative system if you didn't create a .env file. Now that everything is done open the console where you have this project and type:

npm start

when you see a message saying Bot is ready! :D then it means the bot is active on telegram and ready to use.



If anyone wants to give me any help or ideas, you can by making new Issues or Pull requests.


License: MIT

This repository has the standard MIT license. You can find it here.