
Simple test and benchmark for various SHA1 and AES implementations

Primary LanguageC


Simple test and benchmark for various SHA1 and AES implementations

The goal is to compare and benchmark various implementations of the SHA1 hash algorithm and the AES cipher

Frameworks/APIs tested:

  1. Qt 5.15 / QCryptoGraphicHash; plain C/C++

  2. libtomcrypt; plain C (some ASM but disabled); as used currently in https://github.com/status-im/go-sqlcipher

  3. OpenSSL; C/ASM/intrinsics

  4. git-sha1; plain C; (as used in Linux kernel)

  5. nayuki; highly optimized C and ASM

  6. intrinsics - using Intel SHA/ARM Neon extensions; C/ASM, highly optimized

  7. and finally, libtomcrypt_new which replaces the C-based sha1_compress subroutine with optimized versions from intrinsics (SHA/Neon) plus a fallback from nayuki

For AES:

  1. libtomcrypt; plain C (some ASM but disabled); as used currently in https://github.com/status-im/go-sqlcipher
  2. OpenSSL; C/ASM/intrinsics

Machine 1: Linux, AMD Ryzen 7 6800HS, 16 GB RAM




CSV bench results
