Optimized Image Delivery

This is the implementation of the Optimized Image Delivery blog post written by the Caylent team.

The architecture is as follows:

Architecture Diagram

After the pre-requisites are taken care of, you can deploy the stack by running:

npx cdk deploy


  • Ensure the following environment variables are set:
    • APEX_DOMAIN -> The root domain name you want to set in the CloudFront distribution, for example: example.com
    • SUBDOMAIN -> The subdomain you want to set in the CloudFront distribution, for example: www
    • STACK_ID -> A unique identifier for the stack, for example: main or dev
  • AWS CDK version 2.90.0 or higher.
  • Node.js version 18.
  • Docker version 24.0.5 or higher.

How to use it?

After the stack is deployed, you can upload images to the S3 bucket created by the stack. The images will be automatically resized and optimized by the Lambda function and stored in the same bucket.

You can access the images by going to the CloudFront distribution URL, for example: https://www.example.com/image.jpg.

And the same image but resized by going to the CloudFront distribution URL but with a query parameter naming the desired transformation, for example: https://www.example.com/image.jpg?transformation-template=webp-20230802-920.