- 0
how to reward the choice of the ai?
#352 opened by carlostmgps - 0
- 4
Can't save to JSON?
#339 opened by madser123 - 4
Link Leads to Porn Site
#350 opened by jtrimm007 - 1
#341 opened by pandaGaume - 2
Feature Request: Add Mish activation
#344 opened by digantamisra98 - 0
Can I get the H and C states of the LSTM?
#349 opened - 1
Allow the building of a 2 layer Network
#321 opened by FreezePhoenix - 1
How do I save a trained Neural Network to a file?
#323 opened by bootsie123 - 3
#347 opened by xugangxugang - 2
Forcasting the price, output reading problem
#311 opened by RaginBrain - 1
The canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data.
#301 opened by churumellas - 0
Running synaptic on a website (browser) that restricts 'unsafe-eval' with CSP
#345 opened by adi-darachi - 0
Understanding clear() for LSTM
#309 opened by deermichel - 1
- 3
Image as an input
#343 opened by ZauChoco - 0
possible error in layer connection and ALL_TO_ELSE
#340 opened by iholgado - 1
TypeError: this.set is not a function
#336 opened by AnonNewGuy - 6
use seeded randomness
#335 opened by wighawag - 1
Save and Load Training Progress
#337 opened by rob-gordon - 1
saving training progress in a file
#338 opened by grigandal625 - 0
capture iteration and error
#334 opened by nnnnnnnnnn3 - 1
Poor scalability
#333 opened by ignasg - 1
Can I manually set the connection weights?
#331 opened by zac-garby - 2
Spammy Like behavior on Read Wiki Demo Page
#329 opened by KyrosDigital - 2
Neuron is not defined
#330 opened by Galaninho - 1
Mutating of the weights
#327 opened by davidhorak - 0
Create layer from list of neutrons
#326 opened by lchild358 - 2
"Read From Wikipedia" demo not available
#315 opened by zurp - 0
- 3
too big of a neural net??
#324 opened by Mcilie - 4
- 1
How to convert output to text
#322 opened by LoganHeinzelman - 3
2 Layers with 100 Nuerons each
#312 opened by FreezePhoenix - 2
Question about learning multiplication
#318 opened by Danbardo - 2
#317 opened by PveOnly - 0
- 6
Memory leaks & loop performance
#307 opened by reicek - 1
Desktop icon has low resolution
#313 opened by AsciiWolf - 1
Make a Python edition
#310 opened by FreezePhoenix - 1
help needed for the first helloworld test
#308 opened by Kaspisijus - 2
Cannot read property 'train' of undefined
#298 opened by SpadeSeveren - 1
Spam problem (
#302 opened by arcaniussainey - 0
Paint An Image
#299 opened by RianAsmara - 1
How to save weights ?
#296 opened by omaraflak - 1
Blob is undefined
#297 opened by ernestp - 5
Output values
#294 opened by talvasconcelos - 0
ads in example link
#295 opened by deniskolsanov - 4
Error doesn't go bellow 0.2
#293 opened by talvasconcelos - 2
Weighted Loss Function
#292 opened by markoarnauto