JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming

Getting Started

  1. Open your command line and navigate to your repos directory (if you do not have a repos folder, then you can use mkdir repos to create one)
  2. Use this template repository to start a new project in your repos folder: git clone <repo_name>
  3. cd repo_name to navigate into your new repo directory
  4. Start Visual Studio Code and select 'Open Folder'. Then select repo_name to open the folder in the editor (or just type code . in your terminal inside the repo directory)
  5. Follow the instructions on the file to complete exercises
  6. Open the app.js file to get started

Exercise 1

  • Expanding from our exercise example during the lesson, create a parent class class Person {} with properties for name, pets, residence, and hobbies. The Person class will also have a method info() and soundOff().
  1. Use class notation to create a class named Person
  2. Declare the constructor() method with parameters name (string), pets (number), residence (string), and hobbies (array) allowed to be passed in
  3. The constructor() method assigns this. properties to each parameter
  4. Declare an info() method on the class that console.log's a string giving information about the Person object
    • You should display the name, number of pets, residence, and each hobby from the hobbies array
  5. Declare a greeting() method that console.log's the sound of an Person... ex: greeting() {console.log("Hello fellow person!")}

Now we'll create a subclass Coder that inherits from our Person class

  1. Use class notation to create a class named Coder that inherits from the Person class
  2. Declare the constructor() method with parameters name (string), pets (number), residence (string), and hobbies (array) allowed to be passed in
  3. Call the super() method inside the constructor method and pass in the given parameters
  4. Still inside the constructor body, assign this.occupation to "Full Stack Web Developer"
  5. Override the greeting() method to console.log a custom greeting from a coder...

Finally, let's create instances of our classes

  1. Create a variable and assign a Person object to it using the new keyword followed by the class constructor
  2. Create a variable and assign a Coder object to it using the new keyword followed by the class constructor
  3. Call the object methods and console.log the object properties to test your work


  1. Refactor the greeting() methods to accept a name parameter and uses in to personalize the greeting output
  2. Now when you call the coder.greeting() or person.greeting() methods, you can pass in the name property from an instantiated Person or Coder object