Basic Mern Template

Getting Started

To get started, select the "Use this template" option from this github page.

Once you create a repository on your account from this template, clone the project.

Now that you have a copy of this project locally, follow the instructions for frontend and backend setup:

Happy Hacking!

Project Structure

The project is seperated into server/ and client/ code bases within the src/ folder.

Within server/, you will find a few folders for database connection and utils (db/), controllers for business logic (controllers/), functions for express middlewars (middlewares/), server routes (routes/), and configuration (config/).

Within client/, you will find the App.jsx to start, along with other folders for frontend organization.

Read Frontend Project Structure and Backend Project Structure for more details on the respective /client and /server/ organization.


If you come across any bugs, please submit an issue on the repo github page.

You can also contact any contributors with details.


Ben Bryant