
An ORM for rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


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An ORM for rust


  • Fluent high-level and low-level API
  • Composable queries
  • Extensible to multiple database platform
  • Easy to reason out generated SQL
  • Optional model code generator


  • Rustorm is designed to work on generic models, that is it will work on any database where the table definition is unknown


extern crate rustorm;
extern crate uuid;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate rustc_serialize;

use uuid::Uuid;
use chrono::datetime::DateTime;
use chrono::offset::utc::UTC;
use rustc_serialize::json;

use rustorm::query::Query;
use rustorm::query::{Filter,Equality};
use rustorm::dao::{Dao,IsDao};
use rustorm::pool::ManagedPool;
use rustorm::table::{IsTable,Table};

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Product {
    pub product_id:Uuid,
    pub name:Option<String>,
    pub description:Option<String>,

impl IsDao for Product{
    fn from_dao(dao:&Dao)->Self{
            product_id: dao.get("product_id"),
            name: dao.get_opt("name"),
            description: dao.get_opt("description"),
    fn to_dao(&self)->Dao{
        let mut dao = Dao::new();
        dao.set("product_id", &self.product_id);
        match self.name{
            Some(ref _value) => dao.set("name", _value),
            None => dao.set_null("name"),
        match self.description{
            Some(ref _value) => dao.set("description", _value),
            None => dao.set_null("description"),

impl IsTable for Product{
    fn table()->Table{
            is_view: false

fn main(){
    let url = "postgres://postgres:p0stgr3s@localhost/bazaar_v6";
    let mut pool = ManagedPool::init(&url, 1).unwrap();
    let db = pool.connect().unwrap();
    let products: Vec<Product> = Query::select_all()
    for prod in products{
        let name = prod.name.unwrap();
        let desc = match prod.description{
                        Some(desc) => desc,
                        None => "".to_string()
        println!("{}  {}  {:?}", prod.product_id, name, desc);
extern crate rustorm;
extern crate uuid;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate rustc_serialize;

use uuid::Uuid;
use chrono::datetime::DateTime;
use chrono::offset::utc::UTC;
use rustc_serialize::json;

use rustorm::query::Query;
use rustorm::query::{Filter,Equality};
use rustorm::dao::{Dao,IsDao};
use rustorm::pool::ManagedPool;
use rustorm::table::{IsTable,Table};

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Photo {
    pub photo_id:Uuid,
    pub url:Option<String>,

impl IsDao for Photo{
    fn from_dao(dao:&Dao)->Self{
            photo_id: dao.get("photo_id"),
            url: dao.get_opt("url"),
    fn to_dao(&self)->Dao{
        let mut dao = Dao::new();
        dao.set("photo_id", &self.photo_id);
        match self.url{
            Some(ref _value) => dao.set("url", _value),
            None => dao.set_null("url"),

impl IsTable for Photo{
    fn table()->Table{
            is_view: false

fn main(){
    let url = "postgres://postgres:p0stgr3s@localhost/bazaar_v6";
    let mut pool = ManagedPool::init(url, 1).unwrap();
    let db = pool.connect().unwrap();
    let photo: Photo = Query::select_all()
                            "product.product_id", "product_photo.product_id")
                            "product_photo.photo_id", "photo.photo_id")
                        .filter("product.name", Equality::EQ, &"GTX660 Ti videocard")
    println!("photo: {} {}",photo.photo_id, photo.url.unwrap());
extern crate rustorm;
extern crate uuid;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate rustc_serialize;

use uuid::Uuid;
use chrono::datetime::DateTime;
use chrono::offset::utc::UTC;
use rustc_serialize::json;

use rustorm::query::Query;
use rustorm::query::{Filter,Equality};
use rustorm::dao::{Dao,IsDao};
use rustorm::pool::ManagedPool;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Photo {
    pub photo_id:Uuid,
    pub url:Option<String>,

impl IsDao for Photo{
    fn from_dao(dao:&Dao)->Self{
            photo_id: dao.get("photo_id"),
            url: dao.get_opt("url"),
    fn to_dao(&self)->Dao{
        let mut dao = Dao::new();
        dao.set("photo_id", &self.photo_id);
        match self.url{
            Some(ref _value) => dao.set("url", _value),
            None => dao.set_null("url"),

fn main(){
    let url = "postgres://postgres:p0stgr3s@localhost/bazaar_v6";
    let mut pool = ManagedPool::init(&url, 1).unwrap();
    let db = pool.connect().unwrap();
    let mut query = Query::select_all();
            "product_category.product_id", "product.product_id")
            "category.category_id", "product_category.category_id")
            "product.product_id", "product_photo.product_id")
            "product_photo.photo_id", "photo.photo_id")
        .filter("product.name", Equality::EQ, &"GTX660 Ti videocard")
        .filter("category.name", Equality::EQ, &"Electronic")
        .having("count(*)", Equality::GT, &1)
    let frag = query.build(db.as_ref());
    let expected = "
     FROM bazaar.product
          LEFT JOIN bazaar.product_category 
          ON product_category.product_id = product.product_id 
          LEFT JOIN bazaar.category 
          ON category.category_id = product_category.category_id 
          LEFT JOIN product_photo 
          ON product.product_id = product_photo.product_id 
          LEFT JOIN bazaar.photo 
          ON product_photo.photo_id = photo.photo_id 
    WHERE product.name = $1 
      AND category.name = $2 
 GROUP BY category.name 
   HAVING count(*) > $3 
 ORDER BY product.name ASC, product.created DESC".to_string();
    println!("actual:   {{\n{}}} [{}]", frag.sql, frag.sql.len());
    println!("expected: {{{}}} [{}]", expected, expected.len());
    assert!(frag.sql.trim() == expected.trim());

Supported Database

  • PostgreSQL
  • Sqlite
  • MySQL/MariaDB
  • Oracle


  • Support for Oracle
  • Support for MySql

For Updates

Follow me on twitter: @ivanceras

Support this project

  • This is a 1 man show, so if you feel generous, please support this project at bountysource bountysource

  • Suggestions are much welcome!

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I had been writing much java codes in my last projects as evident in my implementation code, which is not too rusty at all.