Quick Setup

  • clone the repository
  • zip it zip -r docker-registry.zip .ebextensions Dockerrun.aws.json
  • set up an S3 bucket and a IAM role to access it
  • create a new app and environment in elastic beanstalk to run a Docker WebServer
  • when the wizard asks you set the following environment variables:
  • AWS_BUCKET name of the bucket
  • SECRET_KEY optional - a random secret key, the registry uses this for secret things (https://github.com/dotcloud/docker-registry#general-options)
  • when the wizard asks you for the app, upload the zip file
  • complete the wizard
  • wait for the environment and app to spin up
  • profit

the registry will be running on port 80 (not 5000)

Insecure/no-tls setups

For docker 1.3+ the following config is required for insecure/http-only registry:

  • boot2docker

     boot2docker ssh
     sudo sh -c 'echo EXTRA_ARGS=" --insecure-registry <environment>.elasticbeanstalk.com:80" > /var/lib/boot2docker/profile'
     sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart
  • ubuntu-12.04

     sudo sh -c 'echo DOCKER_OPTS=\"${DOCKER_OPTS} --insecure-registry <environment>.elasticbeanstalk.com:80\" >> /etc/default/docker'
     sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart