
Splits crosstab data into multiple flattened tables.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Yearly Crosstab Splitter

Splits a CSV file containing crosstab data into multiple CSV files named after the main dimension (first columnn).

Name 1990 Red 1990 Blue 1991 Red 1991 Blue 1993 Red 1993 Blue
Alex 12 34 56 78 90 23
Beth 45 67 89 12 34 56
Cara 78 90 23 45 67 89
Dave 12 34 56 78 90 23

The above table will be split into multiple files for each name. For example:

# Alex.csv

And so on for the other names.

Usage in CLI

# defaults to "data.csv" as input file and "./output" as output directory
deno run split
# specify input file and output directory
deno run split my-file.csv ./my-output

Usage as Module

import splitCrosstabData from "@cballenar/yearly-crosstab-splitter";

// Import file.
const inputFile = Deno.readFileSync("my-file.csv");
const data = parse(new TextDecoder().decode(inputFile), {
  skipFirstRow: false,

// Split data into multiple CSV files.
const splitData = splitCrosstabData(data);

// Work with data...


Started as a simple script for splitting a repeating case. It then turned into a way to learn more about Deno and its module system.