
This liblary can add sendgrid driver into the laravel's mail configure.

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Laravel SendGrid Driver

SensioLabsInsight Build Status

A Mail Driver with support for Sendgrid Web API, using the original Laravel API. This library extends the original Laravel classes, so it uses exactly the same methods.

To use this package required your Sendgrid Api Key. Please make it Here.

#Install (Laravel5.1~)

Add the package to your composer.json and run composer update.

"require": {
    "s-ichikawa/laravel-sendgrid-driver": "dev-master"

or installed with composer

$ composer require s-ichikawa/laravel-sendgrid-driver:dev-master

Remove the default service provider and add the sendgrid service provider in config/app.php:

'providers' => [
//  Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider::class,


#Install (Laravel5.0)

Add the package to your composer.json and run composer update.

"require": {
    "s-ichikawa/laravel-sendgrid-driver": "5.0.x-dev"

or installed with composer

$ composer require s-ichikawa/laravel-sendgrid-driver:5.0.x-dev

Remove the default service provider and add the sendgrid service provider in config/app.php:

'providers' => [
//  'Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider',


Install (Lumen)

Add the package to your composer.json and run composer update.

"require": {
    "s-ichikawa/laravel-sendgrid-driver": "dev-master"

or installed with composer

$ composer require s-ichikawa/laravel-sendgrid-driver:dev-master

Add the sendgrid service provider in bootstrap/app.php







    'sendgrid' => [
        'api_key' => env('SENDGRID_API_KEY')


Sendgrid's SMTP API is so cool feature. This function can use by setting embed data to message. and, set 'sendgrid/x-smtpapi' to data name or content-type.

\Mail::send('view', $data, function (Message $message) {
        ->to('foo@example.com', 'foo_name')
        ->from('bar@example.com', 'bar_name')
            'category' => 'user_group1',
            'unique_args' => [
                'user_id' => 123
        ], 'sendgrid/x-smtpapi');