
Scrapper not accessing Comic Vine Database

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am getting the following when accessing comic vine api through the comic-vine-scraper

Cannot Access Online Database
The comic vine online database could not be reached. This may be due to a temporary technical error with the database or there maybe a problem with your internet connection.
Please try again later.

I am using the most current version 1.0.93. It does not prompt me to save a log file and I have been unable to find one.

I have tested from my browser with the
and get the following results I have also verified that the api key is valid.
Current API Usage
You have no current rate limits. Go forth and query
Please advise on what I can do to rectify this issue.

Comicvine scrape.pdf

I thought the latest was 1.0.99?

Yeah, I've seen that problem where the plugin doesn't install properly sometimes. It's a Comicrack bug; basically if you run the scraper at all before you install the new version, it doesn't take and you need to restart Comicrack to make it work.

Anyway, good that it's working now.