
Pipedream is an open source continuous integration and quality assurance tool that runs per-commit copies of your application on demand or triggered by Github webhooks.

Each time you open a Github pull request, a running instance of your application is started for reviewers and QA members to test your changes on a live instance.


  • Any version, on demand. Easily launch on demand a specific git commit just by going to the expected url (ie http://pipedream.chad.co/app/cbarraford/pipedream-simple/myCommit)
  • Pull requests are king. When pull requests are opened/closed, Pipedream automatically starts/stops the instance for that branch. Making your change readily available for your teammates to verify and test. When new commits are added to the branch, the instance is restarted with the new changes automatically.
  • Quick access via git commit status. Pipedream sends a Github commit status to each commit giving a quick link from your pull request to view that version of your application.


Pipedream uses gcfg style configuration. Below is an example configuration file.

# How long until an instance should be shut down due to inactivity
# Examples: 15s (15 seconds), 25m (25 minutes), 6h (6 hours)
IdleShutdown = 30m

# The base url to your server.
ServerAddress = "http://pipedream.chad.co"

# Docker configurations
# Docker API location
DockerHost = "tcp://localhost:2323" # defaults to "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
# Host address to proxy requests to
DockerAddress = "localhost"

# Github personal access token. Must have `repo:status`, `repo_deployment`,
`write:repo_hook`, `read:repo_hook`,
# A secret used to authenticate github web hooks. 
Secret = "shhh nomnomnom"

# for each supported repository, create one of these
# The name must be unique and follow "org/repo" naming convention.
[Repository "cbarraford/pipedream-simple"]
DockerImage = "simple" # name of docker image to run associated with this


Providers are backends to run your application on. Currently, only one provider is support (docker), but more can be added later (ie digitial ocean, ec2, Google App Engine, etc).

Docker Provider

You must supply Pipedream with a docker image to run your application on. For a simple example, goto pipedream-simple.

When Pipedream starts a container, it will pass as an argument, the git commit SHA on start. Your image is expected to utilize ENTRYPOINT to take that SHA and start your application. Commonly, that may look like git clone your repo, git checkout to the specific sha, do any building or compilation (ie npm install, bundle install, make XXXX, etc) required and start the service. Any application logs should output to stdout so they can be send to docker logs.


Make sure you have go installed and make. To start the service...

make build start