
Simple UNIX command interpreter written for Holberton School Year 1

Primary LanguageC

Mr. Robot - Holberton School 🤖

Synopsis 💭

This is a humble and simple implementation of a UNIX command line interpreter.

Description 💬

Custom version UNIX command language interpreter built as a project for Holberton School. This mini shell reads commands from either interactive mode and non-interactive mode.

Requeriments 📑

  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • Programs and functions will be compiled with gcc 4.8.4 using the flags -Wall -Werror -Wextra and -pedantic
  • All files should end with a new line
  • Code should use the Betty style. it will be checked using [betty-style.pl](https://github.com/holbertonschool/Betty/blob/master/betty-style\ .pl) and betty-doc.pl
  • No more than 5 functions per file
  • All your header files should be include guarded
  • Use system calls only when you need to
  • Authorized functions and system calls:
    • access (man 2 access)
    • chdir (man 2 chdir)
    • close (man 2 close)
    • closedir (man 3 closedir)
    • execve (man 2 execve)
    • exit (man 3 exit)
    • fork (man 2 fork)
    • free (man 3 free)
    • stat (__xstat)(man 2 stat)
    • lstat (__lxstat)(man 2 lstat)
    • fstat (__fxstat)(man 2 fstat```)
    • getcwd (man 3 getcwd)
    • getline (man 3 getline)
    • kill (man 2 kill)
    • malloc (man 3 malloc)
    • open (man 2 open)
    • opendir (man 3 opendir)
    • perror (man 3 perror)
    • read (man 2 read)
    • readdir (man 3 readdir)
    • signal (man 2 signal)
    • strtok (man 3 strtok)
    • wait (man 2 wait)
    • waitpid (man 2 waitpid)
    • wait3 (man 2 wait3)
    • wait4 (man 2 wait4)
    • write (man 2 write)
    • _exit (man 2 _exit)
    • isatty (man 3 isatty)
    • fflush (man 3 fflush)

Flowchart 📌

Below you can see all the process flow in general terms that was taken into account at the time of making the code.

flowchar mr robot

Quick start 🏃

Git clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/cbarros7/simple_shell.git 

Usage 💻

All the files are to be compiled on an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine with:

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh

Once compiled, to start the program, run: ./hsh

To exit the program, run: $ exit

The Mr. Robot supports most shell commands, such as cat, pwd, ls -la and more.

List of functions 📄

Function Name Description
func_exit Exit the shell.
func_printenv Prints the current environment.
read_input Stores whatever is passed to it as standard input.
sparse_str Devides a string into and array of strings.
execute Executes a command that is passed to it as the first aguement.
prompt Prints '$' and waits for a user's input.
_getenv Provides the value of the environment passed to it as arguement.
_which Identifies the path of the command(*args) that is being passed.
child_process Executes a command if the path of it is an executable file.
search_func Search directory.
_realloc Reallocates a space in memory.
_count_point Memory buffer.
handle_signal Prints new line and prompt when CTRL + C is passed as input.
_stat Displays file or file system status.
_strstr Locates a substring.
_strlen Returns a string.
_strcpy Copies a string pointed to by src to dest.
_strcat Concatenates two strings.
_strcmp Compare two strings.
_strdup Copies a string to another.

Syntax 📔

Mr. Robot the user can have the experience in an interactive and non-interactive way. On the one hand, if it is invoked with a standard input that is not connected to the terminal, Mr. Robot reads and executes the received commands in order.

To use the Mr. Robot interactive mode use isatty(3). Immediately the user will see a warning $ indicating that our shell is ready to read the command.

On the other hand, in non-interactive mode the user will enter command line arguments, so Mr. Robot treats the first argument as a file from which to read the commands. In interactive mode, you can type commands from the keyboard:


$ ./hsh
$ /bin/ls

In non-interactive mode, you can pipe commands into the program using echo or cat:



$ echo "/bin/ls" | ./hsh
$ cat file_name | ./hsh

You can use the same syntax for running commands in other shells:

<command> <flags or options> <argument 1> <argument 2> ...

In non-interactive mode:

<command> | ./hsh

Built-Ins 🔨

The following built-ins are supported by the Mr. Robot:

  • env - Print the current environment
  • exit - exit program sucessfully

Return 👏

Mr. Robot returns zero indicating success and non-zero indicanting failure.

Bugs 📢

No known bugs.

Annotations 📢

We have written an article in which we deepen the internal processes within the shell by typing the command "ls -l". We talk about fundamental elements such as the PATH, and conclude with the permission structure with some examples.

Authors ✒️

Acknowledgements 🙏

Thanks to all the software engineers, peers from different cohorts of the Holberton School, for all the learning that we have been able to acquire in this academic period culminating in this shell emulation.

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