
This repository is about Classification Algorithms and Big O-programmed in C.

Primary LanguageC

C - Sorting algorithms & Big O 🤖

In this project, we implemented twelve different sorting algorithms like Bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort and quick sort.

Requeriments 📑

  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • Programs and functions will be compiled with gcc 4.8.4 using the flags -Wall -Werror -Wextra and -pedantic
  • All files should end with a new line
  • Code should use the Betty style. it will be checked using [betty-style.pl](https://github.com/holbertonschool/Betty/blob/master/betty-style\ .pl) and betty-doc.pl
  • No more than 5 functions per file
  • The prototypes of all your functions should be included in your header file called hash_tables.h
  • All your header files should be include guarded

Tests ✔️

  • tests: Folder of test files. Provided by Holberton School.

Helper Files 🙌

  • print_array.c: C function that prints an array of integers. Provided by Holberton School.
  • print_list.c: C function that prints a listint_t doubly-linked list. Provided by Holberton School.

Header Files 📁

  • sort.h: Header file containing definitions and prototypes for all types and functions written for the project.

Function Prototypes:

File Prototype
print_array.c void print_array(const int *array, size_t size)
print_list.c void print_list(const listint_t *list)
0-bubble_sort.c void bubble_sort(int *array, size_t size);
1-insertion_sort_list.c void insertion_sort_list(listint_t **list);
2-selection-sort.c void selection_sort(int *array, size_t size);
3-quick_sort.c void quick_sort(int *array, size_t size);

Data Structures:

typedef struct listint_s
    const int n;
    struct listint_s *prev;
    struct listint_s *next;
} listint_t;

Tasks 📃

  • 0. Bubble sort

    • 0-bubble_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Bubble Sort algorithm.
    • Prints the array after each swap.
    • 0-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Bubble Sort algorithm, one per line.
  • 1. Insertion sort

    • 1-insertion_sort_list.c: C function that sorts a listint_t doubly-linked list of integers in ascending order using the Insertion Sort algorithm.
    • Prints the list after each swap.
    • 1-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Insertion Sort algorithm, one per line.
  • 2. Selection sort

    • 2-selection_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Selection Sort algorithm.
    • Prints the array after each swap.
    • 2-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Selection Sort algorithm, one per line.
  • 3. Quick sort

    • 3-quick_sort.c: C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Quick Sort algorithm.
    • Implements the Lomuto partition scheme.
    • Always uses the last element of the partition being sorted as the pivot.
    • Prints the array after each swap.
    • 3-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time complexities of the Quick Sort Lomuto Partition scheme algorithm, one per line.

    Quick start 🏃

Git clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/cbarros7/sorting_algorithms.git

Bugs 📢

No known bugs.

Authors ✒️

Carlos Barros Github LinkdIn Twitter Medium

Ronnie Barrios Github LinkdIn Twitter Medium