A dotnet core CLI tool that helps automate managing repository maintenance.
Git.Clean is designed to automate maintenance tasks for git repositories by allowing developers to work with the tool locally. This tool does not support running in pipelines due to the interactive credentials. The commands that are available require personal access tokens to execute.
In order to install the tool, run the following command:
dotnet tool install --global Git.Clean
Next, run the command to show the Help information:
Usage: git-clean [command] [options]
-?|-h|--help Show help information.
Run 'git-clean [command] -?|-h|--help' for more information about a command.
This command will search through all the branches of the repository, ignoring any that match protected branch names (these can be provided in the
argument). Any branches that are older than provided--stale-months
argument will be subject to removal. The branch matching is impossible to be perfect for every need, so review the output carefully before deciding to continue with any destructive actions.git-cleanup remove-stale-branches --help Usage: git-cleanup remove-stale-branches [options] Options: -g|--git-directory <GIT_DIRECTORY> The directory containing the .git folder. -t|--remote-target <REMOTE_TARGET> The git remote target. Defaults to 'origin'. -m|--stale-months <STALE_MONTHS> The number of months without commits before a branch is considered stale. Defaults to 3. -i|--ignore-branches <IGNORE_BRANCHES> The git remote branches to ignore. Defaults to [ "dev", "develop", "main", "master", "release", "HEAD" ] -?|-h|--help Show help information.
git-cleanup remove-stale-branches -g "C:\Git\my-repo"
Example Output
... Excluding Branch: refs/remotes/origin/release/2.1 Excluding Branch: refs/remotes/origin/release/3.1 Excluding Branch: refs/remotes/origin/release/5.0 Excluding Branch: refs/remotes/origin/release/6.0 Excluding Branch: refs/remotes/origin/release/7.0-preview3 Excluding Branch: refs/remotes/origin/release/7.0-preview4 Excluding Branch: refs/remotes/origin/sebros/eol-main refs/remotes/origin/stevesa/e2e-test-spot-check refs/remotes/origin/t-mabuc/drag-and-drop refs/remotes/origin/t-mbuck/code-gen-component-parameters refs/remotes/origin/taparik/playwrightExperiment refs/remotes/origin/test-auth-templates refs/remotes/origin/updayte refs/remotes/origin/wtgodbe/HostingMu21 refs/remotes/origin/wtgodbe/x6486 Found 100 stale branches to delete. This action is destructive and cannot be reversed, do you wish to continue? [y/N]
This repository is automatically versioned by Versioning.NET. Please adhere to the commit message standards required by the tool to ensure the semantic version is maintained correctly.