
A collection of open source projects relevant for industrial ecology practitioners, hosted on GitHub and beyond

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Here you find a list of repositories that are relevant for industrial ecology researchers. Feel free to add relevant content!


Input-Output Analysis

npspringer/WorldTradeModel - Python code for the World Trade Model, a linear programming model utilizing input-output economics. This version includes the Rectangular Choice-of-Technology (RCOT) as well as the option to solve for bilateral trade (WTMBT)

konstantinstadler/pymrio - A python module for automating input output calculations and generating reports. The module can handle single region IO as well as MRIO.

stefanpauliuk/pySUT - Python module for handling supply and use tables

GreenDelta/usio - Python module to create input-output tables from United States BEA make and use tables. Written by the authors of openLCA, but can be used independently.

majeau-bettez/allocation_construct - Python module for lifecycle assessment allocations and input-output constructs

majeau-bettez/ecospold2matrix - Class for recasting Ecospold2 LCA dataset into Leontief matrix representations or Supply and Use Tables

bquast/wiod - R package for "Data sets from the World Input Output database, for the years 1995-2011"

Life Cycle Assessment



openLCA is an open source and free software for Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment.


Brightway2 is a framework for life cycle assessment. The main webpage is http://brightwaylca.org/.

The core modules handle data management and calculation:

There are also additional packages for e.g. user interfaces, analysis, regionalization, dynamic LCA, found on the webpage and documentation.



The Ocelot project is a joint effort by the Paul Scherrer Institut and the ecoinvent centre to build an open source library for applying system models in life cycle assessment. System models are a set of linking rules and assumptions, including how to handle activities that produce multiple outputs, how to construct markets in time and space, what products are substitutable, and who gets credit for the production of recyclable materials.

Semantic Catalogs of LCA Data

Supporting code & data for the article Semantic catalogs for life cycle assessment data. This works provides a multi-database catalog of life cycle data in an open, linked-data format.

Material Flow Analysis

Data reconciliation and probabilistic modelling

PYMFA 2.1 by Esther Thiébaud at EMPA - Tool for probabilistic modelling of dynamic MFA studies

ricklupton/bayesian-mfa-paper - Code and data supporting the paper "Incremental Material Flow Analysis with Bayesian Inference"

Dynamic stock modelling

stefanpauliuk/dynamic_stock_model - Python class for dynamic stock modelling

stefanpauliuk/MaTrace_Global - Python model code for MaTrace Global, a supply-driven dynamic stock model to trace end-of-life materials through global value chains

Metabolism of Cities

paulhoekman/mfa-tools - Source code of the Metabolism of Cities website. PHP/MySQL-driven website providing a centralized repository for urban metabolism-related publications, research projects, and data. It also includes online MFA software (OMAT).

tomravalde/urban-metabolism-process-database - "A YAML database of resource management processes to support urban metabolism studies", created for the article A Database to Facilitate a Process-Oriented Approach to Urban Metabolism.


ricklupton/d3-sankey-diagram - Sankey diagram tool for the D3.js library. Features automatic routing, loops, and reversed flows.

Industrial Symbiosis / Eco-Industrial Parks

On isdata-org there is a collection of several repositories:

complexly/EIPs - "R package with network data of Eco-Industrial Park(EIP)". Contains information in R data frames about exchanges documented in 15 different EIPs.

Event Sequence Analysis

Software developed for the article Building capacity for sustainable regional industrial systems: an event sequence analysis of developments in the Sloe Area and Canal Zone:


majeau-bettez/styles - Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.

konstantinstadler/sci_python_template - Python template for scientific scripts

konstantinstadler/country_converter - The country converter (coco) - a Python package for converting country names between different classifications and between different naming versions.