
Minimal tool to use amazon polly

Primary LanguageGo


Minimal tool to use Amazon Polly

This tool uses Amazon Polly to synthesize speech. It is written in go and uses the aws go sdk (aws-sdk-go) to communicate with Amazon Polly.


go get
go build


You must setup the aws config and credentials first (see aws documentation).

Here is an example use under linux:

./amazon-polly-cli -lang en -text <text> -out outfile.mp3

If no -text and no -input-file is given the tool tries to read the text form stdin. If no -out argument is given the tool will output the audio file to stdout.

The tool can also read the text from stdin (-text -) or from file (-input-file <file>).

You can select the language with the -lang flag. Currently supported language identifiers are

  • de // german
  • en // english us
  • fr // french
  • ca-fr // canadian-french