
Simplified GPG key signing

Primary LanguageShell

signet aims to ease the process of signing
GPG keys, or rather their individual UIDs.

It behaves in a similar manner to eg. caff,
but has less requirements and fewer configuration

Basically, signet is a shell wrapper around
numerous calls to gpg itself.

Due to breakages introduced with the GnuPG 2.1,
signet v0.2 breaks compatability to older versions
of GnuPG. These older versions should still work
with signet v0.1

Have an easy way to sign keys on online as well
as airgapped/offline machines, by allowing import 
and export by multiple methods (eg. files,
key servers)

signet first queries the PRIVATE_SIGNER_KEYRING
(defaults to ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg) for secret keys 
suitable for signing and lets the user choose the
key she wants to sign with.

In the next step, the keys to be signed are imported
into a temporary keyring via multiple possible imports
(keyserver, exported files, complete keyrings).

Thereafter, UIDs are individually brought before the
user to sign or reject to do so, and then exported
signature for signature into their own files
suitable for emailing to the respective UIDs.

Using gpg-agent to provide the passphrase
only once should work pretty well.

I'll happily receive Problems, bugs, ideas and praise
via email to cb@cbcdn.com :)

Many thanks to neun and sycoso for beta-testing and
pointing out flaws!

Updates may be found at github.com/cbdevnet/signet
Bugs, ideas, praise and patches I happily receive
via email to cb@cbcdn.com :)