
R package with frequently re-used functions

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#> Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.2.2


The goal of cedwards is to formalize the functions I store as gists or keep adding as new functions for every new project. These are include organization functions (skeleton_maker.R), plotting convenience functions (gfig_saver.R), and some other misc functions. This is a living package, and will continue to grow as I aggregate my common tools.


You can install the development version of cedwards from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


List of some additional functions I will add as time permits.


Sometimes we need quick prototypes for a given function. Especially common when talking about distributions in stats classes. FunPlotter should take the desired functional form (in tex form? in R form? something else?) and, optionally, x and y limits, and create a reasonable visual of the function. Bonus points if it can optionally take the function and a list (LIST) of parameters, where if 1 or 2 of the parameters are provided as vectors, the resulting figure uses geom_path and / or facet_wrap to capture the variation.


Apply the Muff et al. 2021 treatment to bootstrapped results using confidence intervals. Goal is to return the 95% CI (for reporting, potential plotting), 84% CI (for potential plotting), and either “no evidence”, “weak evidence”, “moderate evidence”, or “strong evidence” based on the 99%, 95%, 90% CLs. Should also (optionally?) provide the citations for Muff et al, and for Payton et al. 2003 (which is the citation for using 84% CIs for plotting.



When giving talks or lecturing, I often want to make a series of related plots, each with additional information on them. For example, I might show a functional form, then simulated data based on that functional form, then a model fitted to the simulated data. ggplot_lister() and ggplot_list_saver() streamline the workflow for this process by allowing you to specify a list of ggplot layers interspersed with commands to “save” the layers up to a given point, or remove previous layers before continuing.


Project structure

For setting up new projects, I’ve settled on a consistent file directory structure, and I find it is helpful to prepopulate a list of recommended reviewers and some other documentation files. This is streamlined in skeleton_maker(), which generates a new project with location specified by filepath.

Replicable figures

A common issue (for me anyways) is that it’s easy to have scripts saving figures, then come back later and

  1. not remember the details on that figure (what parameters was I using?),

  2. not remember which script generated it (I actually wrote some CLI code to search all R files for instances of the file name, but for auto-generation of figures based on parameter or scenario names, sometimes the full file name isn’t listed in a single sequence in thes cript), and

  3. realize I need to tweak a few pieces, but be unable to do so unless I track down, tweak, and re-run the script that generated the figure.

My solution is gfig_saver. This is largely a wrapper for ggsave(), but adds some functionality. First, it saves the figure in both .jpg and .pdf formats - depending on usage, one or the other format is handier, and it stinks to have to regnerate things. Second, it explicitly requires a description in string / vector of string form, which can take the form of a prototype figure caption. This is saved as a metadata file with the same naming structure as the figures, and can include information about what script generated the figure and when it was made. I highly encourage you (and myself) to take advantage of this. In the long run, I would have saved a lot of time by better documenting where figures came from. Finally, the function also saves the ggplot object as .RDS file. You can then load that into an R script and tweak themes, add or remove layers, etc, without having to re-run the original script. Obviously it’s good practice to keep your original script updated, but this can be a huge time saver for something like tweaking formatting settings when submitting for publication in a new journal.



This is a wrapper for setwd() that lets you change directories using the linux command name.


Working with phenology (the timing of life history events in ecology) often means calculating the day of year of some process. But finding that the mean day-of-year of activity for the Monarch butterfly is day 134 is hard for many of us to parse (unless we’ve been working in phenology for a long time, like collaborators Cheryl Schultz or Elizabeth Crone). Is that number reasonable? What’s the actual date? doy_2md to the rescue!

#> [1] "May 14"

This function can also take vectors, and can be useful if you want to specify arbitrary ticks on a plot (although the lubridate package can be helpful with this). Here’s an example without clear labels:

## make up some data to plot
N = 30
dat = data.frame(doy = round(runif(N)*365))
dat$count = rpois(N, lambda = 1000*dnorm(dat$doy, mean = 120, sd = 12))
ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = doy, y = count))+
  xlab("Day of year (hard to interpret because numeric)")+
  ylab("Number of butterflies seen")

And now, using doy_2md to help with tick marks:

ticks.df = data.frame(breaks = seq(90, 230, length = 4))
ticks.df$label = doy_2md(ticks.df$breaks, short=T)
ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = doy, y = count))+
  xlab("Day of year")+
  ylab("Number of butterflies seen")+
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = ticks.df$breaks,
                     labels = ticks.df$label)