
A place where OpenTable engineers and designers openly work together

MIT LicenseMIT


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Design Token files are a central location to store design related information such as colors, fonts, widths, animations, etc. These raw values can then be transformed and formatted to meet the needs of any platform. Instead of hard coding this information in each platform/format, we store here centralized Design Tokens and publish on npm output files for each platform/format to be consumed.

Project structure

This project is structured to host design-tokens used by the following OpenTable design-systems:

Token Available Formats Version
otkit-breakpoints scss, cssmodules.css, common.js npm version
otkit-colors scss, cssmodules.css, common.js npm version
otkit-spacing scss, cssmodules.css, common.js npm version
otkit-typography scss, cssmodules.css, common.js npm version

OTTheme - Documentation

Token Available Formats Version
ottheme-colors scss, cssmodules.css, common.js npm version
ottheme-spacing scss, cssmodules.css, common.js npm version